Salesforce has been coming up with new certifications every now and then to evaluate and test the knowledge of individuals on different functionalities and features of Salesforce platform. With the evolvement of Salesforce it has become the need of the hour for individuals to keep themselves updated with the latest developments. The Salesforce App Builder certification is one such course that offers trainees with the knowledge needed to build applications using Visualforce (DEV 401) and

Why Salesforce came up with the App Builder Certification?

The primary reason behind the introduction of Salesforce DEV 401 course was to impart students with the necessary skills to build custom analytics and applications using’s declarative capabilities. But, the only drawback was that essential programming concepts were not part of the course. Though, the Salesforce 401 certification was meant to be a developer certification but, evaluation of any particular coding and programming in Visualforce or Apex was not looked upon. As a result, people started to get confused regarding what skills they would acquire through the training. As a counter measure, Salesforce introduced the DEV 501 certification which was aimed towards testing programming skills of professionals. But, then again, as the certification required manual evaluation, individuals had to wait for months in order to receive their certifications.

Because of the confusion that was arising, Salesforce came up with three more Salesforce developer training which also included the app builder training. Salesforce also introduced the online app builder training so as to help working professionals pursue the course with ease and comfort.

The Salesforce App Builder Training Certainly Made a Big Difference

The primary focus of this Salesforce training was educating the students about technicalities required for the creation, management and update of business logic, data models, application securities and process automation. It ensured that whatever gaps remained between a programmer and administrator is reduced to a minimum.

The Salesforce online training not only includes new functionalities and features of process builder, visual workflow, mobile and lightning but, also involves DEV 401 concepts. Participants of this course also get a proper understanding of the functionalities related to app deployment as well as app development lifecycle. The Salesforce training online can even be pursued by individuals who have already obtained their DEV 401 certification from Salesforce.

Wrapping Up

With the demand for certified Salesforce professionals increasing in the market it has become imperative for aspiring individuals to undergo training Salesforce. It is not only about certification Salesforce but, also about the knowledge and understanding gained through the extensive training courses. This in turn, proves to be the foundation for a bright future ahead in this competitive industry.