TAGS: #satan

Does there exist an evil master mind, a person that is absolutely wicked in his heart. Or is Satan just a fairy tale? Let us see what the various contaminated beliefs have to say. In deism only God exists. Satan is just a personification of the force of evil, chaos, death and psychological darkness, which is due to God’s imperfections. In atheism neither God nor Satan exists. They are both personified myths, believed in by the ignorant, the superstitious, to explain their own struggle with life. In pantheism God is the good force that upholds the universe. Satan is God’s mysterious dark side. In gnostic polytheism Satan is the god of the Old Testament, the creator of evil matter. The God of the new Testament is the true God, the Father of our spirits. This of course is dualism. In other forms of polytheism, such as Hinduism, Shiva is the god of destruction. But ultimately the gods are beyond good and evil. Though there may not be many people that call themselves satanists, the spirit of satanism is alive and well. “Do your own thing!” “All that thou wilt, shall be whole thy law.”
The tensions and vicious circles are clear here, as well as the identities of these faiths. In deism and pantheism evil is an impersonal force. In atheism and polytheism evil is so relative that it practically is non-existent. The hidden motivation behind all these persuasions is that we just refuse to take the problem of evil seriously. Because if we did, we would feel so little, so humbled, yes, so spoken to in our consciences. But an enemy that is not known is far more dangerous than one that we are aware of! Satan does exist! And He is alive both on our planet and in heaven, where God still allows Him.
It should be clear that there is a devil from whom sin originates. For else God is to blame. That would make God a weird multiple personality. It is self-evident that with such a God at the helm we will forever be the plaything of madness, unless we can force Him from His throne, or cure His eternal illness. But you feel that that is an impossibility. And even if we could, there would be no hope any way. For all of His creatures would be no better than Him, their Maker.
God’s greatness is shown in the fact that He allows Satan to play his game without having His plans ruined in any way. No matter how powerful Satan is (and that power he has received as the highest and most imposing angel, but he fell and now abuses his position) God is infinitely more powerful. If God were forced to finish Satan off, this would show that He is really limited in power. God does not crush Satan, but answers his challenge. To end his game would show superior strength but not necessarily full justice. God allows the evil in Satan’s heart to run its full course. This seems to be the meaning of Ez. 28.18 “… therefore I will cause a fire to come forth from within you; it will devour you… ” Sin is like a fire and God has a lesson to teach to Satan, as well as to us. God allows sin to climax to the full, until it becomes clear that He alone is God, holy, just and infinite in wisdom and love. We will have to learn to the full what it means to reject God. In so far as we reject Him, we really opt for Satan.
It is not so that God struggles with Satan. It is entirely beneath Him. It is the devil that keeps trying to struggle with God. He must be drunk with pride, and filled with intense hatred. Of course the majority of angels did not fall, and they keep Satan’s fallen angels, the demons, in check.
In the end Satan’s fall is a mystery. In fact the Bible uses the phrase “the mystery of iniquity (2 Thess. 2.7).” For how could a good creature as Satan was, actually the top stone of heaven, become capable of sin? It is a mystery indeed, but not in the sense of pantheism. Pantheism, as well as all other philosophical theologies, have no hope for us. I repeat it again. If God is schizophrenic then an eternal woe is ours. Satan’s fall must have to do with the fact of free will and the fact that angels (and humans) must forever humble themselves under the power of an infinitely mighty God. The fact that we cannot be as glorious hurts our pride. Yet this hurt of pride is already a result of sin. How did this sin arise? All we know is that pride was Satan’s first sin. As it stands written:
“How you have fallen from heaven, Lucifer, son of the mourning! You have been cut down to the earth, subduer of the nations! You said in your heart, ‘I will lift up my throne above the stars of God. I will sit upon the mountain of the congregation in the parts of the North. I will ascend above the heights of the clouds. I will be like the most High.’ However you will be brought down to hell, to the lowest regions of the pit (Is. 14:12-15).”
“Son of man, take up a mourning song about the King… Thus saith to the Lord Jihweh. “You seal the top measure, full of wisdom and perfect in beauty. You have been in Eden, the garden of God. You were covered with every precious stone, sardius, topaz… and gold. The work of tambourines and flutes was in you. The day you were created, they were prepared. You were an anointed cherub, a covering one. This is what I made you. You were on the holy mountain of God; among the fiery stones you have walked. You were perfect in your ways from the day you were created, until wickedness was found in you. Through the multitude of your trading you have been filled with violence inside, and you have sinned. Therefore I will throw you down from God’s mountain as an unholy thing. And I will destroy you, covering cherub, from among the fiery stones. Your heart exalted itself because of your beauty. You spoiled your wisdom on account of your splendour. I will throw you to the earth. I will put you down in the sight of kings, that they may behold you. Because of your numerous evils, and by means of the wickedness of your trading you have defiled your sanctuary. Therefore I will cause a fire to come forth from within you; it will devour you, and I will turn you into ashes on earth before the eyes of all that look on. All those that know you among the nations will be astonished because of you. You will be a terrible sight, and then you will be no more for ever. (Ez. 28.12-19).”
In this very mysterious passage we can read that Satan was created the highest angel, but he corrupted himself through pride. I translated “your heart exalted itself, “whereas the King James has “was exalted, which obscures the point. The literal translation is “was high”. But the word is used also for lifting oneself in pride. Christ calls Satan the liar and murderer from the beginning, that is in the garden of Eden (John 8.44), or perhaps the beginning of his own fall. Satan’s sin is in everyone of us–pride. We do not want to acknowledge God, because, like Satan, we are jealous.
Many a mocker has made light of Satan. Such people are also likely to mock God. However never speak in a derisive way about Satan. After all he is still the most powerful spirit below God.
Feuerbach said something like that man alone is his own God. Such a view lands us into a maze of problems. Why is there anything at all? What is the origin and future of life? What is the meaning of life? How must we live? What is the point of suffering, love and joy? What can we hope for if everything ends in death? The vicious circle you are caught in is as follows. I am all there is. Life is meaningless. I try harder to find ultimate meaning in myself. Life seems worse the harder I try.
The feeling that everything is absurd and meaningless just shows our need of god. God is not a crutch for the week, He is our all! If we really had evolved from the apes, we would never think about the meaning of life. If chance were our origin our minds would regard the universe in a random way. Existentialists feel total responsibility (or no one at all) in total aloneness. This is due to their playing God. We are to trust and build further on the foundations others have laid. Other people have had many experiences that we can learn from. The idea that one has to go it alone is due to nothing but our refusal to acknowledge God. The result is that everything is considered absurd. But what is more absurd than that!
This absurdity was keenly felt by Camus, the existentialist writer. In his books also clear hatred of God surfaces. It is there that atheism pulls of its mask. Communism in Russia also showed this when they shot at pictures of Christ. This was not just hatred of the so-called bourgeois establishment. A lot more is happening here. It is hatred against God, Who is blamed for all the misery in the world. Instead of blaming ourselves, as we should, we project our own sinfulness upon God. How ironic that Feuerbach called God a projection. Camus, and people like him, indeed fancied a God that was the projection of their own unconscious problems!
L’Abime apelle l’abime, the Frenchman says. Evil breeds more evil. To escape the vicious circle of atheism and materialism more and more people fall into satanism. This is a spontaneous jump, a triple breakaway from the truth. Satanism solves the problem of evil, pain and frustration in that it blames everything upon God. Satan is hailed as the king of kings and lord of lords. As their liberator he will give them power over life and other people. Satanism however still operates with the four great corruptions of deism, pantheism, atheism and polytheism, mostly though within hedonism (pleasure is the highest good of life) of atheism and the occultism (magical power as the highest aim of life) of polytheism. As such it is not a complete religion of its own. This shows that the most extreme excesses of atheism and polytheism converge into satanism. Yet satanism is a philosophy all by itself in its consequent hatred of God and worship of Satan.
Satanism is at the very bottom of the barrel. It is the nadic of depravity, the absolute zero point of temperature, when the sheer coldness makes things to fall apart as if no material energy anymore is left to keep them together. This is what happens in the end to a satanist. Yet more and more people opt for it, both as a religious outlook and as a life style. They despise deists and pantheists and look down upon atheists and polytheists. Christians they hate.
Satanists are very conscious that the I-am-a-good-boy attitude of do-gooders is false and even despicable. However they see this from the viewpoint of those that love sin. They have come to see very well that deep in our hearts we all have the tendency to love sin. And indeed since the fall we are all children of Satan. We are born satanists in a way, and naturally become haters of God. In principle we are not better than Hitler, yes, than our natural father-Satan! Christ said:
“You do the works of your fathers.
Your father is the devil, and you wish to do the desires of your father. He was a murderer from the beginning and did not remain standing in the truth, for there is no truth in him. When he speaks a lie, he speaks of his own, for he is a liar and the father of him (John 8. 41-44).”
Voluntarily, though not consciously, everybody serves Satan, the god of this world.(2 Cor. 4.4). Satanists however do it consciously, and therefore they sneer at others that have not discovered their true identity.
Therefore to become a satanist is to become conscious of the deepest stirrings of one’s heart. This is at first experienced as a very liberating and exciting happening. Some people, it seems, at the moment they become satanists feel a great, almost electrical, fascination. They discover their real selves! But at such a moment the fire of sin really consumes them, and eats away at them with terrible speed; until everything, one day, turns colder than ice. If they have not committed suicide before that.
Satanists are no doubt the most pitiful wretches on earth. They think they come close to him, or even one with him. But all Satan wants is to degrade, use and abuse them. It is impossible to become really a close friend of Satan. Satan hates humans, period; also the satanists. Because we all have been created in God’s image. Satan hates God and wants to undo His works. Most of all he wants to drag human souls with him into hell. God said, “… cursed are you… you will go on your belly and eat dust, all the days of your life (Gen. 3. 14), ” Humans are the dust of the ground, mortal clay. Satan wants us to serve him, and reject God. That is Satan’s life, that is his business, that is his food!
One must not think that satanists are recruited only in the materialistic West. In Nigeria there is a snake cult. To become a member one must sell one’s soul to Satan. Then one really gets magical power over say the cobra. This, I say it again, shows that atheistic materialism, and polytheistic occultism converge into the same ultimate extreme. The extrinsic and intrinsic live of respectively rationalism / materialism and mysticism / occultism makes a mutually opposite loop, only to come together in this extreme of extremes.
What do satanists do? In their black mass, a parody of the Catholic mass, they drink consecrated water, stolen from a church, mixed with their own blood and urine. If you are what you drink, then this shows what they are. They often stage orgies, or simply magical rituals. (By the way, the difference between satanists and “normal” witches is that the latter are only polytheistic occultists and sometimes also pantheistic mysticists. But often they go together hand in hand). They like to mock the Bible and Christians in various ways, such as by burning, or reading backwards.
Some embrace a milder kind of satanism. They simply view Satan as their liberator from the god of the Bible. With a bit of sex, and some magic, or even not, they are content.
They are would-be intellectuals for whom lucifer is nothing but the spiritual perfection within. He is the way to become one with God, Who knows the difference between good and evil. That is why Adam did well to transgress. But this is pantheism or dualism.
However hardcore satanism is a grand delusion of some kind of occultistic polytheism. The delusion is that satanists are led to believe that they can control the gods, the spiritual powers, which are nothing but fallen angels, followers of Satan-demons; whereas it is really the demons that control them more and more. Satan and his demons play a game with them that ends in eternal hell.
The satanist is only interested in his or her own power. There is no love but the false affection for those that are helpers and implements on the road to the fulfilment of their power drive.
Hard core satanists cannot and will not love, because love is despised as a weak sentimentality, yes, as something evil. They can only “love” their own kind. They are “happy” as long as they can consummate each other’s madness. But when something goes wrong, they are ready to tear each other apart.
What kind of a world results if many people become satanists? Does Satan give peace? No, he gives hatred, sin, and chaos. Satanism turns everything into a mess. Imagine a world where people try to get their desires fulfilled by spells, potions, hexes, thefts, crimes and other sins. Imagine a world where people do not believe in working their way up to secure a living. Imagine a world where one’s own interest come first. “Do what thou wilt, shall be thy whole law, ” Aleister Crowly said. This is the world of hard core satanism.
Certain satanists have breeders, women that give birth to unregistered babies. They are sacrificed as if they were Christ, or just to please Satan, the murderer from the beginning. People of all walks of life are involved, from psychotics to politicians and religious minds. The greater the evil they can think up, the more they like it. You may not believe this and indeed there is much paranoia, but too many satanists (and their victims) have reported it after they had enough. And even if the writers have far exaggerated their fears, these things live deep in our hearts and certainly are borne out from time immemorial in all kinds of cultures.
To the satanists God is evil, because though He is able to give us all things, He demands that we live according to strict laws. He turns us into slaves. I say it again, the hatred we project on God, is the hatred we should feel for ourselves. That would be the first step to learn to love both God and ourselves. But satanists turn to Satan on a last desperate effort to fulfill their desire to play God themselves. What insanity! If God is evil, is Satan good then, automatically? If God is schizophrenic, did He make Satan any better? Satanists are religious desperados.
One may wonder why God allows this evil for evil’s sake. It is, I am sure, that humanity may learn something about itself. When we reject God anything is possible! May God help us! To sum up. Faith and reason, theology and philosophy, combine to show that god must be absolutely good and holy. Therefore there is only one conclusion. Satan is ultimately to blame for sin. However man is fully responsible for sin also. For to commit sin is to please Satan. Therefore do-gooders are not as despicable as satanists think. Despite all our hypocrisy (and who is without it?) we must seek to do good.