eCommerce consultants are not exaggerating when they warned their clients to stay put and not move their Magento stores to Magento 2 because the latter isn’t prepared yet.

Security issues continue to hound Magento 2. You’re lucky if you heeded experts’ advice and haven’t migrated yet, otherwise you could be one of the 200,000 online sellers who are at risk.

Web security service provider DefenseCode detected a remote code execution (RCE) bug linked to a feature in the Magento 2 software which allows administrators to add videos that are hosted on Vimeo.

That could serve as an entryway for hackers to access a Magento user’s database, including confidential information, and even install malware.

All they have to do is lure a user to download a URL which contains a.htaccess file and a PHP file. Once they have achieved that, they can easily manipulate the user’s system from a remote server.

“During the security audit of Magento Community Edition, a high risk vulnerability was discovered that could lead to remote code execution and thus the complete system compromise including the database containing sensitive customer information such as stored credit card numbers and other payment information,” DefenseCode said in their advisory.

They added that the affected versions of the Magento Community Edition software include v.2.1.6 and below.

Reassurance from Magento

Though they haven’t heard of any actual attacks yet, Magento reassured their customers that they are already looking into the matter.

Also, the company has recommended helpful steps that will ensure the safety of their customers’ data.

“We have been actively investigating the root cause of the reported issue and are not aware of any attacks in the wild. We will be addressing the issue in our next patch release and continue to consistently work to improve our assurance processes,” they said.

To protect their users from possible security attacks, Magento sent out an email which includes the steps to switching on the “Add Secret Key to URLs” option.

Think your Magento 2 system is at risk? Follow these steps:

  1. Log on to Merchant Site Admin URL (e.g., your
  2. Click on Stores > Configuration > ADVANCED > Admin > Security > Add Secret Key to URLs
  3. Select YES from the dropdown options
  4. Click on Save Config

We may have sounded like a broken record, telling you repeatedly that Magento 2 is still not ready, but we’re so glad that we did.