Almost exclusively, Adobe Dreamweaver is the first base for all web designers. It is probably the most utilized web-development platform globally. For applications in the commercial world you'll be expected to have an in-depth understanding of the whole Adobe Web Creative Suite. This means also (but isn't limited to) Action Script and Flash. If you wish to become an Adobe Certified Expert (ACE) or Adobe Certified Professional (ACP) these skills will be absolutely essential.

Getting to grips with how to create the website is only the beginning. Creating traffic, maintaining content and programming database-driven sites are also required. Look for training programs with additional features that include these skills maybe PHP, HTML, and MySQL, along with search engine optimization (SEO) and E-Commerce skills.

Many trainers provide a big box of books. This can be very boring and isn't the best way to go about studying effectively. Memory is vastly improved with an involvement of all our senses – experts have been clear on this for decades now.

Top of the range study programs now offer easy-to-use DVD or CD ROM's. Real-world classes from the instructors will mean you'll absorb the modules, one by one, by way of their teaching and demonstrations. Then you test your knowledge by utilizing the practice lab's and modules. Each company you're contemplating must be pushed to demo samples of their training materials. Make sure you encounter videos of instructor-led classes and a variety of interactive modules.

It's unwise to go for purely on-line training. With highly variable reliability and quality from all internet service providers, make sure you get CD or DVD ROM based materials.

A major candidate for the biggest issue to be got round for IT students can be attending multi-day workshops. A lot of certification companies push the so-called 'benefits' of these classes, usually though, they end up as a major problem because of:

* A lot of journeys to the workshop center – often quite a distance away.

* If, like many of us, you work, then Monday to Friday classes are hard to attend. You could be contending with several days in a row too.

* At only 4 weeks off each year, using half of that on training days leaves very little time for holidays.

* Taking into account the costs associated with delivering a workshop, most companies fill the classes up to the brim – certainly not ideal (increasing the ratio of students to teachers).

* Often students want to progress quickly, but some like to take it easier and be allowed to set their own speed. This generates difficulty and tension in most cases.

* You shouldn't overlook the extra expense of driving and bed and breakfast either. Don't be surprised to find this become a lot of money – from hundreds to thousands. Work it out – you may be surprised.

* Keeping your training private from your employer is often very important to quite a lot of attendees. Why would you want to throw away any lift up the ladder, wage increases or accomplishment at your current job because of your studies. When your boss discovers that you're undertaking accreditation in another sector, what are they going to be thinking?

* Every one of us must, at some time, have avoided asking a question, because we wanted to maintain the illusion that we did, in fact, understand?

* If you occasionally work away from home, you have the added problem that events can often become impossible to get to – but unfortunately, they've already been paid for.

Wouldn't it be better to watch a video and be trained by instructors one-on-one in filmed lessons, doing them at your convenience – not somebody else's. Training can take place wherever it suits you. If you own a laptop, you could get some sun in your garden at the same time. Any issues that arise just get onto the live 24×7 support. There's no need to take notes – everything is prepared in advance for you. Any time you want to repeat something, it's there. What could be simpler: You avoid traveling and wasting time and money; plus you've got a much more stress-free training setting.