The glass ceiling against the rise of women into positions of power have seen many great brains kept back from excelling to their full extent. In recent times women, like Helen Clark, the ex-Prime Minister of New Zealand, have put themselves forward for the role of United Nations Secretary General. There has never been a woman in this position and it is not surprising that they were defeated.

Men have such preliminary views against women and the number of them who select the successful candidate for this position must play a role in who they elect. The Security Council recommends a candidate as worthy to the General Assembly who then vote on it.

The first is made up of primarily the five victors of WWII, they being Russia, Germany, France, England, and the USA who are the permanent members. Ten non-permanent members are then appointed to serve 2 year terms. This gives an overall number of 15 members.

In 2016-2017 the latter undertaken delegations from the following nations: Bolivia; Egypt; Ethiopia; Italy; Japan; Kazakhstan; Senegal; Sweden; Ukraine; and Uruguay. One must question the prejudice of many of these nations against women in leadership roles. The predominately Muslim and Catholic countries would have to be counted as among them.

In local politics the problem remains just as potent an issue. In Australia the recent Labor government tried to lift the glass ceiling by issuing quotations to ensure that some 50% of its members are women. That, however, is not the same in the Liberal Party where the Prime Minister has only 3 female members in his cabinet.

The sexuality in politics is another example of how religion rules the world, as the majority of Liberal members are advocates of either Catholicism or the prejudice of their upbringing. As part of my research the role of religion was a strong focus as it all started from Babylon, the home of Islam.

How this has played out in the Word Order and the maintaining of the Establishment is part of the role of the one dubbed 666. He was Islamic and of the Amor, the people who built Roma (reverse Amor). He laid out the rules for the economy, the law, and rights of inheritance. He also formed the Catholic Church in 325 AD and put up the image of Jesus Christ (Revelation 13: 12-18).

His impact has survived because of the religions that are protected by the laws he laid down. Governments will continue to be ruled by them as long as they survive. That means no one will or can break the glass ceiling against women while sexuality play a part in refusing them high office.