TAGS: #love
Do you deserve the respect and admiration, of others? Why do you believe, you are worthy of this? Would you, even. like you, if you met yourself? Should you LOVE yourself, as you presently are, and if not, are you, ready, willing, and able, to make yourself, better, and more deserving? This might require a degree of self – examination, in an introspective, objective manner, so you can know, what you are doing well, your personal strengths, as well as areas of weakness. With that in mind, this article will attempt to, briefly, consider, examine, review, and discuss, using the mnemonic approach, how to proceed, with the maximum possibility and potential, of true, self – help.
1. Listen; learn; lessons: It is often challenging to help yourself, because, we often, fail to see ourselves, objectively, as others do! Instead of believing you have all the answers, take the time, and make the effort, to effectively listen, and learn the lessons, from every conversation, and experience, in order to make yourself, the best, you can possibly be!
2. Open – mind; options; optimize; opportunities: You owe it, to yourself, to proceed, consistently, with an open – mind. Consider the options and alternatives, and seek to optimize your personal possibilities, and self – meaning! Prepare to recognize life’s opportunities, and/ or, become capable of creating the best opportunity, for you!
3. Value; values; visions: Are you, a person, of genuine value, on a regular, consistent basis? Do your personal values, provide you with a degree of pride, and self – satisfaction? How do you visualize, yourself? Do these, make you feel, deserving of the love and respect of others, on a consistent basis?
4. Empathy; energy/ energize; emphasis; excellence: When you effectively listen, and learn, from others, what they need and prioritize, and proceed, with the utmost degree of genuine empathy, others will respect you more, as a human being! This positive emphasis, when combined with demanding your utmost degree of personal excellence, in everything you do, makes you, a better person. When you energize others, by the quality and focus of your actions, rather than merely by some empty rhetoric, you will also, experience, a high degree of enhanced personal energy, and self – meaning!
Although, many people, feel unloved, and unwanted, few are willing to examine, whether they deserve the respect of others, etc. Should you LOVE yourself? Only, if you examine yourself closely, and do, all you can, to make yourself, the best, you can possibly be!