TAGS: #cafe

When purchasing curtains, you may be up in the air on what style, design or color you prefer to try next. When you sit down to figure it out you may realize that you that you have so many different options that you have a hard time making your decision. One option that you have is called the cafe curtains.
The Cafe Ambience
These items are wonderful and look extremely well in almost any setting. The cafe atmosphere can now be in your home. The great thing about cafe curtains is that they are simple and basic but they add such a nice touch to almost any window, especially in the kitchen. They can be as simple as making them from a pillow case and clothes pins to professionally made.
When ordering your cafe curtains online you may find that they are affordable and they are also easy to find when you do a simple search. Because they are so easy to make almost every window covering shop online carries them. You can have your choice of style as well as color. For example the white linen can be dipped into a cup of tea to give it an antique look. This type of look makes your curtains look old-fashioned as well as hide the dust more effectively.
Decide On The Rings
Another choice you can make when it comes to cafe curtains is what you would like the rings to be. Not only do they have simple brass rings but you can get them something as simple as ribbons that are tied to provide loops to thread through the rod. You may also want a raw hem or a blanket stitch hem that will make your curtains look even more authentic.
Cafe curtains can also have a checked pattern as well as a design on the front of them. The design can be of anything you feel is important, memorable and more. Place a photo behind a plastic cover that you can sew on your curtains. The photo can be of your home, family, your favorite pet and more. You may like stripes as well and you can have your choice of red, yellow, blue, green with white stripes. Choose primary colors or go for a soft color.
The curtains can come in several different sizes so you can find the one that best fits your window size. In order to find the right size for your windows you must first measure them. To do this you will need to measure from one side of the window to the other, on the outside of the frame. You need to measure the top for the valance and the middle of the window where the other section will hang. You will also need to decide how long you want your curtains to hang. Some people like the longer look while others prefer them to fit neatly inside the frame.
Make sure that the cafe curtains that you choose will be the perfect item that says to your guests that you like that color or pattern and you are welcoming them into your home.