TAGS: #single
In most of the newer homes single pane windows are not usually used but you will see them in older homes. Because of the price of the window, some homeowners still prefer to have them in their home even if they are not as energy efficient as double or triple pane windows. Repairing this window is not as time consuming and much simpler. If it has a crack, you may have to repair just that area instead of replacing the entire window. The one drawback with single paned windows is that they cannot provide the insulation quality many homeowners demand today.
Repair a single pane window
• Removing the window glass-to remove the window pane apply adhesive tape on the middle section or the border; It is done this way because to the glass out it will have to be broken out in order to replace it. Put the adhesive tape in place and gently break the window pane with the hammer so it will not shatter.
• Getting rid of the glazing compound-around the window there is a glazing compound. You can usually remove it with a chisel or the substance may just fall off on its own. Sometimes the compound will have a good grip and not come off on its own.
• Clean the frame-the frame, which is the rest of the unit, will have to be clean before the new glass window can be installed. Scrape any remains of the compound off the frame along with any other hindrance that could cause a problem during the installation of the new window.
• Installing the new glass-before you install the new glass make sure that you line the wooden frame with primer. If it is an aluminum frame, you will not have to put primer in the frame. The sheet of window glass you bought is generally larger than the one you are replacing. You will need to measure the width and length of the one window glass that is being replaced. Cut the new window glass making sure that it is one-eighth smaller so it will fit easily into the window frame
• Glazing and caulk compound application-apply a lining of call on the new window pane so there will be a type of bedding on the glass to be installed. The glazier points will have to be pressed through the window pane. If the window frame is aluminum based metal or just metal, you would use clips to hole the window glass in place. You also have to have some glazing compound between the window pane and glass.
Once the window glass is installed, clean the glass to remove any traces of the glazing compound or chalk.