The joy of skateboarding is unmatched by anything I can think of. You're outside. The sun is shining down on you. You are on a mission to have fun. While you are pushing through the streets, stripalls, and parking lots of your town there are no rules. It's just you and your board vs. the world and it's a great feeling. But there are spaces that offer terrain that you just do not find in the streets. We call these skateparks and they are (usually) great places to skate fun boxes, half pipes, and rails, not to mention meet up with other skaters.

Skateparks are different from thrashing around on the streets in that you have to learn to skate with people that you have never met. This is by no means hard, but I've been noting that the current generation of grams (yeah you, little guys) do not have much, if any, regard for those around them. If you're under the age of 13 then you should pay attention to the contents of this article to make sure you are learning proper etiquette.

First of all, when you enter a park you are last in line for everything unless there is nobody else there, which hardly ever happens. This goes for everyone. I do not care if Tony Hawk shows up at the ramp, he's waiting his turn just like the rest of us. There is a loose rotation that naturally gets established in parks and you need to observe and abide by it. Find your place in line and keep it.

Next, do not be a snake. Snakes are by far the worst type of skaters. Do not cut in front of someone who is pushing up toward a box or drop in on the ramp out of turn. It's easy to not be a snake; just be aware of who's up for what. I'm not saying be a traffic cop. All you have to know is if you're clear to hit the spine, rail, or box. If you are then hit it. If someone is burning across the park in the general direction of the spine, rail, or box then let him take his shot. Whether he hits it or not is none of your concern.

Do not try and win the "cool contest" either. The kids that are trying to be cooler than everyone are typically some of the biggest kooks you'll ever meet. Being cool just comes naturally and when you try to force it you always end up looking like a tool. Skate at your pace and on your terms, just remember to not snake anyone.

Half pipes, bowls, and snake runs have a couple of unique rules that you need to know as well. I'll start with half pipes. First of all, there is a solid rotation on the half and you need to pay attention to it. When a skater is standing on the deck with his foot on the tail of his board that means he's waiting to go. If you're not sure who's up look around. If you see another skater point at you then it's your turn. The same applies to bowls. Also, with bowls there is a different style to the skating than with a ramp. Bowls are there to be carved with some gnarly grinds thrown in. Bowls are all about flow. Skating a bowl like a half pipe is not rad. In fact, it is totally lame. Snake runs are similar to snowboard parks.

Only one person drops in at a time. How hard is that? When it's your turn to drop in then raise your arm to signal that you're dropping. If you see someone raise their arm and you're in their path then get the heck out of the way! If someone is in the snake run do not drop into the bowl at the bottom of it because that will result in a crash and who is going faster faster will win. The guy coming out of the snake run is always going faster.

Are you worried about getting props? Do not be. The guys that get props are the guys that give props. It sounds cliche but it's totally true. Do not give props on every single trick, but do not skimp on the props either. When somebody busts something sick then give him some props. Is that hard? No, it is not.

DO NOT bring in little kids who are not on boards, especially if they are under the age of 10. These kids have no idea of ​​what is going on and can get very hurt. If you find yourself babysitting your six-year old cousin then stay at home and play Wii. It is best for everyone this way.

If you're going to tag the park then make it good. I'm getting pretty tired of seeing lame, single-line ICP tags at the park. Just like everything else, go big or go home. Better yet, do not tag the park at all. It's far easier to dose it with stickers anyway.

Basically just be chill to everyone at the park and we will not give you the stare down. Follow these guidelines and you should be fine for the rest of your life in pretty much everything now that I think about it.