TAGS: #trouble

On a Local Area Network (LAN), you can share files with other users connected to the same LAN. Even though Internet has become the primary method for anyone to share files, LANs is still most effective in file sharing on a home, school or office. On a LAN, you can copy files from one computer to another at a blazing fast speed. But in Windows XP, you’ll be terribly disappointed as you browse the LAN. It is very slow and you really would get annoyed waiting for folders to be viewed. Sometimes, you would even prefer sharing files over the internet because you’ll feel that it is much faster.
But LANs on Windows XP can be better. All you have to do is to speed up network browsing. How do you speed up network browsing? Here are two simple methods to speed up network browsing.
1.Immobilize Network Task Scheduler. If you stop the network task scheduler, viewing network folders would be a lot faster. To immobilize this service, Click run on the Start menu and type ‘regedit’. Go to HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE, then choose Software, then choose Microsoft, then click on Windows, then choose CurrentVersion, then click Explorer, then choose RemoteComputer and finally, select NameSpace. Find the line named “{D6277990-4C6A-11CF-8D87-00AA0060F5BF}” and delete it.
2.Increase the Threshold level for the Requested Buffer. To make network browsing faster, you need to increase the value of SizReqBuf. Open the Registry Editor by typing ‘regedit’ on Run and pressing enter. Go to HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE, then choose System, then click CurrentControlSet, then choose Services, then select LanmanWorkstation, then click on Parameters. Create a new DWORD value entitled SizReqBuf and input a decimal value of 16384.