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Autism is called 'zi bi zheng' and considered of a tpye of mental disability in China. There's no diagnosis of autism in China until the 80s of 20 century, which is 40 years late comparing to international society. Even by far, there's only about 100 doctors in China who can diagnoseose expertisely.
In a survey of the year 2001 with 60 thousand of children from 0 to 6 years old included, they put mental disability into the list for the first time. The result of this survey was that there were about 104,000 children with mental disability in China by then, with 15000 new patients every year, of which autism was on the top of the list.
It is broadly agreed that autistic people account for 4? of the whole population. According to this formula, China may has 5.23 million of autistic people, even if the ratio is 1?, There's still 1.3 million people with autism. According to WHO statistics, there are about 600,000 to 1.8 million children with autism in China. But some scholars believe that the number might be from 1.5 million to 7.8 million.
For now, there are around 3000 children who have been diagnosed with autism in Beijing, the capital of China. According to the medical classification of autistic children, mild: moderate: severe ratio of 6: 3: 1, it can be estimated that there are about 30,000 children under 14 years old with autism in Beijing, if including adults with autism, the number will be much bigger.
There's no special schools for autistic children in China yet, but the number of institutions or programs for autism treatment is more than 200, around 30 of them are in Beijing. It's very expensive to get autism diagnosis or treatment.
Whether in China or other countries in the world, autism is on rise. The statistics of this article are from the website of an important organization of autism: Autism in China.