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Studying abroad can be an expensive experience. If you are planning to study in Singapore, then you may want to search for financial aid options available. One of the options to fund your studies in Singapore is a scholarship. There are multiple programs that fund students. In this article, I have covered three.
ASEAN Undergraduate Scholarship
This option is available at the National University of Singapore (NUS). You should be from one of the ASEAN countries.
Eligible Countries: Indonesia, Thailand, Brunei, Cambodia, Philippines, Lao PDR, Myanmar, Vietnam and Malaysia. Students from Singapore are not eligible.
Some of the other requirements are: excellent academic record and leadership skills. The award covers your tuition fees. You also get an annual living allowance of S $ 5,800. For complete details visit.nus.edu.sg/oam/scholarships/freshmen/nsg/scholarship-nsg-aus.html.
Science & Technology Undergraduate Scholarship
This award is also available to freshmen at NUS. It is for students from Asia. If you're looking to study in Singapore with a scholarship, then this may be for you.
Eligible Countries: Asia (excluding Singapore)
You should have an exceptional academic record, leadership abilities, besides other requirements. The winner gets a number of awards, including tuition fees, annual living expense of S $ 6,000 and settling-in award of S $ 200.For complete details of this opportunity check nus.edu.sg/oam/scholarships/freshmen/nsg/scholarship- science-technology.html.
Dr Goh Keng Swee Scholarship
The GKS program is run by the Association of Banks in Singapore (ABS). It is available to students from 15 Asia Pacific countries. You should be an undergraduate students looking to study at a local UNI in Singapore.
Eligible Countries: Indonesia, Philippines, Cambodia, Hong Kong, Japan, Taiwan, Korea and other countries.
You should apply to study in one of the following institutions: NUS, Singapore uni of Technology and Design, Nanyang Technological uni, or Singapore Management uni, Academic record, leadership and co-curricular involvements are also considered. The program covers tution expenses. It also covers other mandatory expenses. For complete details on eligibility requirements and other details, visit psccscholarships.gov.sg/content/pscsch/default/scholarshipapplication/othersolarships/gks_scholarship.html
Scholarships for Asians are offered in a number of countries. The financial aid options are provided by educational institutions and the private sector. If you're looking to study in Singapore with a scholarship, then the above-mentioned options may be useful. These opportunities cover your tuition fees. To be eligible, you will need to fulfill certain criteria. You can learn about the details of each option by visiting the links provided. Make sure you know all the necessary details before applying.