Bogotá is the capital city of Colombia and as well as all the major city sights, remains a fantastic destination for coffee lovers. Since Colombia produces the second highest percentage of the world’s coffee Bogotá is a great point of reference for exploring the country’s thriving coffee industry. From Bogota you can take one of many guided day tours and tasting sessions which will seek to enlighten visitors about the Colombian coffee bean. For those wanting to venture further afield there is, only 50 minutes away by plane, Armenia, a city in the heart of the coffee district. Armenia is home to many of the larger plantations known locally as haciendas cafeteras, as well as the Parque National de Café, a coffee inspired amusement park also ideal for younger travellers.

Bolivia is one of South America’s landlocked countries and its recommended time for visiting is during the spring months of the year. There are numerous things to do and places to experience, especially for those who have a taste for the popular coffee bean. Buena Vista in Santa Cruz is an old colonial town that welcomes coffee fantatics. There in the centre of Buena Vista around the plaza, a variety of tours are on offer – often from as little as 4 USD per hour. Alternatively, closer to Bolivia’s capital La Paz, is a coffee area of interest for the more adventurous traveller. The Yungas region situated between the Andes and Amazon basin is best explored by the growing trend of mountain biking or hiking. This way it is possible to understand the traditional story of coffee being transported from Coroico up famously treacherous Yungas road to La Paz. The coffee plant flourishes in the Yungas region because of the constant warm and rainy climate.

In the rich regions bordering Brazil and Argentina, Paraguay coffee production flourishes. On the whole Paraguay relies on agriculture as its main industry, which includes the manufacturing of coffee. Tourism in Paraguay has a lot on offer, particularly on the rural side. Those seeking natural thrills should head no further than the Eco-Reserva Mbatoví, a protected nature reserve which offers guided tours and zip-lining through the forest canopies. This captivating nature area lies within easy reach of Paraguay’s capital city Asunción. Asunción overlooks the Paraguay River and has plenty to explore. Such sights include plazas, outdoor markets, the Museo de Historia Natural and of course, plenty of coffee shops!

It is unlikely you will ever be bored in any of the exotic countries of South America, so take advantage of the cheap flights to this continent today!