TAGS: #bill gate

Learning how to do teleseminars will teach you how to be like bamboo, to emulate nature. Bamboo grows three years underground and in six weeks it’s full grown it’s the fastest growing plant on earth, but no one realizes that it grows underground first and that’s the fastest growing species, the slow growing species takes 15 years.
The marketing theme I want you to remember is two words – ‘creative innovation’. I used to call it creative imitation, but many students told me I don’t want to imitate I want to innovate, so I said great let’s call it creative innovation and this feedback came from many students.
Although the term may sound like an oxymoron it refers to a time proven business strategy where you wait for someone else to establish the viability of a marketing strategy and then you utilize it.
Steven Jobs waited for the mp3 player to work then he created the iPod.
Bill Gates waited for an operating system, purchased it and then said no to a $20 million dollar buy-out and is now the third richest man in the world.
I don’t know how many times Warren Buffet has said no to selling his stocks, even though he’s been beaten up in previous years, but he buys low and sells high.
The key is to creatively imitate. This doesn’t mean that you are stealing someones content. You are going to school! You are applying these four steps and making it your own and improving or “innovating” it.
Aesop’s quote I want you to remember is, “It’s better to be wise by the misfortunes of others than by your own.”
Its one thing to learn by your mistakes its far better to learn from other’s mistakes, so if you were to walk into Eric Lingenfelter’s office in Lynchburg, Virginia or if you were to walk into my home office in Novato, California you would see a very important quote hung up.
It’s four words that I want you to write down. It’s something you’re going to resist I know, but it says- Never Invent, Always Improve.
I don’t want you to invent, originality is the most dangerous word in advertising said Rosser Reeves. He is the originator of the unique selling proposition, the USP. Jay Abraham has made the USP almost common knowledge within the marketing circle these days in direct response marketing anyway, but Rosser Reeves is the one who invented it in the 1940’s.
Breakthrough Advertising was his book and he said originality is the most dangerous word in advertising. The only way that I or you can become an authority in an area that your students or listeners aren’t familiar with is to first become an authority in an area that your students, customers, patients or whatever you call them, are first familiar with.
The key point of Aesop’s fable is that consistency you will be getting, you’re going to get a lot of consistency from me and spaced repetition.
Here are the four steps to mastery.
1. Study
2. Learn
3. Teach
4. Mastery
If you really – really – really accelerate your learning and success, take the advice of Jim Collins who wrote the book Good to Great. He said, first who then what. It’s who you know and who knows you then what you know and what you implement that really counts. It’s not a matter of implementing what you know, because you can only be so leveraged within your own time frame.
Marketing changes mind, promotion changes behavior, which means you need both to be a marketer and a promoter to make money.
Creative Innovation will free you to just do it! You will become like bamboo because quickly & creatively you will master your niche. You will harness the energy of what is working and put it to work for you. Then you will use the same 4 steps to master changing behavior – promotion. Apply these these four steps across the board and master your destiny.