As the years pass by, we see fresh arrivals of new website design elements and styles. As a matter of course, it is imperative to include those key ingredients as they successfully help you to evoke out your brand’s voice in the best possible way. While it’s certainly not necessary to fit and flaunt every emerging element on your website, but at the core, many of them have the potential to improve your visitor’s experience at a much significant level.

Let’s find out the best recipe of what it takes to meet your modern audience’s expectations in 2017. Save it in your arsenal.

Revealing the top 5 Website Elements That Will Work Wonders In 2017:

Element #1: Unusual, Unique and Bold Typography

There is an assortment of companies, which follows their own font or typography in order to speak their brand’s voice. Fonts are something that nestles down deep somewhere in the visitor’s mind and immediately helps them to differentiate between you and your competitor. So, while choosing your font better to ensure you are close to express your brand’s identity through typography. For e.g. your selection of typography can give hints about the domain of your business like whether it is functional, insightful, hilarious, serious or anything other. So be specific.

Element #2: Modern Aesthetics with Giant Product Images

For an aesthetically pleasing website, visual elements play a crucial role you can’t dodge. Modernizing your website design by adding large, responsive and panoramic product images can give an immersive experience, which undoubtedly manages to grab the eyeballs of any visitor crossing by. Additionally, adding background videos with overlapping text that marry well with your brand’s voice is the key takeaway for increasing customer’s attention and retention.

Element #3: Inclusion of Labeled Hamburger Menus

It is likely that most websites you cross through will have a long menu of options to choose from. Albeit they are good for direct accessibility, but they fail to keep up by occupying a whopping screen space. This loophole can be covered up by the hidden, or (labeled) hamburger menu. The basic advantage of using this hidden menu is you are directly removing a busy navigation of your website which makes the user experience distraction free, by giving them a clear path to explore your website which in turn improves the likelihood of the customer to land on the desired page without being overwhelmed.

Element #4: Intuitiveness

Being a business owner, you must be clear in your views of the expectations an average user wants from you! Determining the clear motive of visitors when they come to your website will help your users feel like you know exactly what they want. The winning point to remember is “The fewer clicks required, the better the chances that you’ll make a sale during that first visit”!

Element #5: Content Will Always Remain the king

Gone are the trends when the content was splashed in terra sized facts. After the increasing penchant of popular social media sites like Instagram, Twitter… the most fashionable way of stuffing content is by keeping it well articulated, to-the-point and in the most condensed way. Much promotional and informative content is obscure and verbose.

Hope that helps! But make sure you stay wise in choosing the right website development company that strictly abide by the changing technology trends and brings to you the best while impeding the old dwindling trends.