TAGS: #millionaires

What does it take to become the next Internet millionaire? How long does it take? Can anyone become a millionaire online? If you're like most Internet entrepreneurs, home business owners, or Internet marketers you've probably asked yourself these very questions. I want to shine some light on what it takes to become a true millionaire. Outlined in these paragraphs are some fundamental skills and attributes the majority of millionaires posses.
Let me first preface by saying I am not a millionaire … yet, but I have done my fair share of investigating. I have spoken, interviewed, and even been mentored by successful millionaires and they all have very similar principles they live by. I want to share some of them here with you today to encourage you along your path to Internet riches.
Let's assume you are starting from scratch … with almost nothing. The first thing you need to focus on is education. Spend 99% of your time reading books, listening to audio books in the car, attending seminars. Where ever you think you'll learn something, you better be there. Every time you pick up a new book or listen to a podcast you are filling your Internet toolbox with tools you can use on your journey to a million.
The majority of millionaires will read AT LEAST a book a month, but most of them try to get in a book a week. Think about all the knowledge you acquire over the years with that kind of reading habit.
The great thing about becoming an Internet millionaire is it's so darn simple. All the tools, strategies, and techniques are already out there for the picking, you just need to go find it. The one thing that separates the rich from the poor is the wealthy are willing to do things everyone else are not. If you truly want it you should do WHATEVER it takes (I'm talking legal here people). You have to want it more than the next person and take the action necessary to achieve your goals.
Another attribute of the elite class of wealthy individuals is their drive and determination. You have to be able to work harder, longer, faster, and smarter than the next guy, or you're going to be left behind.
Most millionaires are avid goal setters as well. They have goals for everything. The act of writing down your goals, putting a definitive date on it, and some way to quantify it will help you take the daily steps necessary to reach your goals.
One thing you can do right now is spend some time writing down your goals in life. A goal not written down is just a wish, so invest the time in yourself to write out your goals, again with specific dates of achievement. Do you think you're worth it? I do.
Now that you know what it takes, get out there and do it. Another aspect millionaires have is they were never afraid to take action. I guarantee you will see massive change in your life just by applying what you have just learned.