If you're like me, you can not go a day without a cup or two of coffee. It is a drink that gives you a boost in the morning and keeps you going during the day. For most of us, it takes that bad mood away and replaces it with a better mood so making most of us more pleasant. It is an energy booster that gives you added motivation for the day. For a boost in your mood and energy levels, the Bravilor Novo Coffee Machine brews the perfect cup of coffee.

The Bravilor Novo Coffee Machine is a modern advancement in the technology of coffee brewing. It has two self-regulating hot plates that are able to adjust the temperature according to the amount of coffee that is still remaining in the decanter.

If you visit a coffee shop you expect good coffee to be readily available. With this machine it is recommended that the coffee is served within 30 minutes of being brewed to ensure that the maximum flavor is enjoyed. Therefore it is ideal for coffee shops that are prepared for immediate service due to the amount of customers.

For restaurants that serve many customers on a daily basis this machine is a wonderful addition. The Bravilor Novo Coffee Machine brews 1.7 liters in 5 minutes and can provide up to 144 cups per hour or about 18 liters of coffee within the hour.

This catering equipment may brew a lot of coffee but it does not look like an industrial unit. On the contrast, it is elegant and stylish with a beautiful matte silver finish and a curved glass jug. It is supplied with 2 glass jugs to help you accept with the demand.

It's also not a big piece of catering equipment with dimensions of 205 x 340 x 430 millimetres so it does not take up a large amount space. It is small yet hard working. It produces a power output of 2.1 kilowatts and 230 volts. That's enough power to make the perfect cup of coffee.

The Bravilor Novo Coffee Machine brews coffee perfectly every time and can lift your customers' mood while giving them a little boost of energy especially in the early mornings. Be sure to create a relaxing atmosphere with décor that evokes a calming effect to encourage your customers to relax more. After all, happy and relaxed customers are what all restaurant owners want.