TAGS: #coffee beans

The choices of coffee flavors and beans is almost endless. If you can imagine it, then there is probably a coffee flavor that will match what you’re thinking. Types of grinds are numerous as well. Gone are the days of the old heavy coffee grinders near the cashier at the local grocery store. You can buy coffee in many places with all types of grinds from many different sources. Many people have found that grinding coffee beans themselves is the way they prefer to brew their coffee.
A blade coffee grinder is a very good choice when you are looking for a grinder of your own.
The blade coffee grinder is generally small, as you do not want to grind more beans than you will need for a fresh pot of coffee. The idea behind grinding your own beans is that you want to prepare only the amount of beans you will need for a pot of coffee. That way you are sure there will be no loss of flavor and aroma by allowing beans that have already been ground to rest for long periods of time. You lift the top of the grinder off, and there in the stainless steel bowl are the two small very sharp blades that will slice through the beans at high speed preparing the beans to just the right size.
You will want to find a blade coffee grinder that is of high quality, not only to avoid problems with the grinder itself, but also to be sure the result is the best grounds you can possibly have before you begin brewing. Listening to the grinder is important as you prepare your beans. The longer you allow the machine to run, the finer the grounds will be. If you are preparing espresso, then it will require a longer run time. If you are preparing beans for an automatic drip coffee maker, then eight to ten seconds will be plenty of time for a great brew. You will gain experience as you use it and will soon be able to prepare perfect grounds every time.
It will be important to care for your grinder by keeping it clean. Just as the best coffee is brewed in a clean coffee pot with fresh cold water, the finest grounds are prepared in a clean blade coffee grinder. Take the time to completely empty the grinder after each use, and then wipe out the inside of the bowl carefully to remove any remaining grounds. Satisfaction in a cup of great coffee is important.