TAGS: #coffee beans

Coffee is universally accepted as one of the most prominent beverages around the world. The coffee beans can work magic on you whether you’re looking for an after dinner treat or a morning energy boost. These beans are nothing but the seeds of the coffee berry. There are several different kinds of coffee beans and if you want to know more about them then you must go through the information given below.
The different types of coffee beans
Robusta is one of the most prominent coffee products around the world and it is also known as Canephora. It is popularly used by more than 40% of the coffee manufacturers. According to popular reports, most of the brands make use of this form of coffee beans due to its taste. These kinds of beans are usually found in Congo. Robusta is known to grow quite simply and is even less vulnerable to weather variations and diseases. You can easily blend them with other beans for getting a strong flavor. One of the other major benefits is that these beans are available at discounted rates.
Kona is another great form of beans which is quite expensive to buy. The price of Kona is much more as compared to Robusta and Arabica. It is usually grown in the surrounding areas of Hawaii. As per popular websites online, even though Kona is not really popular around the world due to its expensive nature, but still its demand is quite high in some parts of the world. It has a very strong aroma and this is why it is not easy to blend with other prominent coffee beans.
Around 60% of the coffee manufacturers worldwide utilize Arabica coffee beans. They are the most commonly found beans in the world and they are available as large bushes. Due to the reason that it is susceptible to frost and disease, the beans derived from the plant are really costly. They are blended with other prominent beans for a stronger flavor.
Other Types
Other prominent types are Coffea congensis, coffea benghalensis, coffea excels, coffea bonnieri, coffea gallieni, coffea stenophylla and coffea liberica. You can easily get coffee from these used and rarely grown plants. However, proper research should be done beforehand so that you don’t end up ruining your health after consuming these beans of coffee.
These are the different types of products available in the market. If you’re willing to purchase some for your home then you got to surf the internet and make the right choice. Ordering such products online is the best thing that you must do so that you can save your time and money. These products are easily available on the internet and you could even get some special discounts by shopping from some prominent store owners. Enjoy tasting all the prominent coffee beans. You’ll definitely fall in love with all of them.