TAGS: #starbucks

Succeeding in any area of life requires certain positive habits and thought processes. Manifesting abundance is no different. In T. Harv Eker’s classic book, Secrets of the Millionaire Mind, he outlines four basic elements of change needed if you do not have a millionaire mind. This article focuses on awareness.
Steps to Change
You have a goal in mind. You’d really like to accomplish that goal. You talk about it. You tell everyone what’s going to accomplish. The problem is that you seem to be sabotaging yourself every step of the way. If you want to succeed you absolutely have to discover what is blocking you.
Here are T. Harv Eker’s four elements of change:
- Awareness
- Understanding
- Dissociation
- Reconditioning
Awareness is the First Step
Most, and I do mean 99.99% of people on this planet, live life on auto-pilot. They move through their day without a conscious thought about what they are doing in their lives. Food goes in the mouth when the clock says it’s time to eat… not when the stomach says, “I’m hungry.” The credit card comes out to avail themselves of the latest fashion or toy. People don’t think about what they want and what they are doing to prevent them from being healthy, happy and wealthy.
Before you can change anything you have to become aware that there is something to change.
Destructive Patterns
You’re reading this because you are interested in achieving wealth.
Take out pen and paper right now and list everything you have done in the last month that has prevented you from manifesting abundance. This includes things such as
- Starbucks
- Your favorite smoothie
- The latest iPhone when the “old” model works
- Sitting in front of the television when you could be doing something productive
- The stuff lying around you haven’t used since you bought it
- The projects on your to do list because you aren’t motivated
Destructive Beliefs
Actions are easier to notice than the beliefs that support them. Any of the actions you listed have a belief supporting them. If you believed that Starbucks was poison, you wouldn’t be drinking it. If you truly wanted to manifest abundance, to have the millionaire mind, you need to change what is in your mind about money… and having lots of it.
To discover your beliefs write down the messages you heard about money from:
- Parents
- Teachers
- Religious leaders
- Peer group
- Culture
The Beliefs of a Five Year Old Are Running Your Life
Most beliefs are imprinted in your subconscious mind by the time your five years of age. And, yes, that means you have been living your life based upon the limited understanding of a 5-year old. Oh, my… and you could barely tie your shoes then.
To have a millionaire mind, to manifest abundance in every area of your life, including wealth, you must, and I do mean must, update your beliefs. Before you were 5 you weren’t able to decide which beliefs were supportive.
Yes, your parents, teachers and religious leaders had those beliefs. Did they help them achieve what you want to achieve? Do those beliefs move you towards your goal?
Don’t you think it’s time to change them?