TAGS: #brexit
Indeed, many of us who believe in common sense are completely taken aback by the illogical argument that the crumbling of the EU would be a disaster for humanity. I tend to disagree and call such comments poppycock and utter hokum simply because a global socialist world government is much what Hitler had wanted in his 1,000 Year Reich. Further, if those who run the European Union and their followers and in the bag media pundits really believe that there could be a World War if the EU collapses, then it will be their fault for poor leadership, socialist push, and politically correct dictatorial directives.
The EU seems to believe that what Britain did was wrong and self-centered, that the British people voting for Brexit were stupid and didn’t care about the rest of Europe, or the cascading domino effect of what will come after they leave. That’s nonsense. The collapse of the European Union has been predicted since its inception by many economists, historical academics and political leaders. The EU was too self-interested in its project to bother to care what the individual member states needed and wanted or if their people were happy. The giant socialist bureaucracy grew so large it couldn’t seem to do anything right. It’s not Britain’s fault, they did the right thing. If the EU wants to blame anyone, they need not blame British, they only need to look in their own mirror.
It seems large socialist bureaucracies love to blame others for their own failures. Hugo Chavez’s project in Venezuela leaves the people in an economically collapsed hell, who do they blame; the US, capitalism, the rich, and businesses and corporations, not once will they admit their socialist agenda destroyed the nation’s wealth and has ruined everyone’s lives there. Even the former socialist leadership has left to Miami, Florida. Even here in the US our socialist agenda and project is failing and we too are blaming everyone else.
Maybe it’s good the EU is failing, to prevent all the ruined lives if it goes on and every nation there sinks on that ship, one which has been taking on water for years. It’s your basic slow motion train wreck – and yet, the European Leadership says; “How dare they leave us, they will cause it all to collapse.” No, it’s already doomed, doomed due to the policies of the EU, it’s their fault, it’s their problem and they need to change. Britain is correct. Maybe this is a good thing.
When the EU falls apart and if there is another World War it will be due to the European Union’s leadership failures and socialist dictates, it will not be the fault of member nations wanting to leave a system which is unfair, bureaucratic, and has a far-reaching global socialist agenda. Please consider all this.