TAGS: #caffeine

Each of us have different taste and different threshold when it comes to coffee. Some of us might feel the effect of caffeine in just a single cup while others need a concentrated dose of 5 cups just to get the rush. Although you can have the benefits but when they are taken in excess, you can also feel that there are downsides to coffee.
Drink coffee the first thing in the morning to get yourself to wake up. This should be your daily morning habit to envigorate your senses. Coffee can speed up your metabolism in the morning but be reminded that when you add sugar or cream into your coffee it reverses the effects.
Knowing how caffeine affects your body is essential if you need to add another cup of coffee by mid-day. If you are able to consume coffee and still get a well-rested sleep by night time, then do add another cup of coffee by mid-morning to help you cope well at work but if you are having problems sleeping at night, cut down your coffee consumption.
Try to drink coffee first before you head down to the gym. Coffee lessens the pain you feel after you are done with all those rigorous exercises at the gym. It blocks muscle pain and helps you to cope well with your routine.
If you find yourself staring at the ceiling at night contemplating why you cannot sleep, then it is time that you do some reality check on your daily coffee intake. Do not drink more than 300 milligrams of coffee per hour which means never drink 5 cups of coffee within a single hour.
If the doctor tells you that you need to cut back on your coffee for some health risks, then by all means do so. Do not wait until some signs and symptoms shows up before you begin cutting back on coffee or else it will be too late.
Give full attention to how you prepare your coffee. It is a good idea that you drink coffee in smaller cups than larger ones to help prevent overdrinking. Make sure that you add sweeteners that are healthy for the body like honey.
Make sure you drink coffee responsibly to take good care of your health. Although coffee is considered a healthy drink but if abused, it will cause major risks for your health such as high blood pressure and insomnia.