TAGS: #satan

I must preface my sermon with the realization that sometimes the truth must hurt.
My brothers and sisters I cannot hold myself back any longer.
How long must we wallow in the mire? Yes brothers and sisters we are stuck in a muck!
We are like filthy pigs that enjoy swimming in our own dirty feces.
Yes, we have succumbed to the great power of evil.
It is time to repent my dear children. Satan has us in his deadly grip.
Our goodness has been sucked like sweet honey dew on a cool summer morning.
Yet we continue to disregard the truth.
We are hypocrites; all of us.
We are the evil followers of Satan.
But we continue to call ourselves Godly Christians.
It is an abomination. We are scum. We are slime. We are like dirty dogs
who have chosen to copulate in broad daylight.
Tell me my brother, tell me my sister … when will you be saved?
Luke warm Christians we are not.
Lord God please restore us our dignity. Free us from our deadly sins!
It is time to repent my brother. It is time to repent my sister.
The Lord God will deliver us from our filthy ways.
Christ is the answer. It is only in Christ that we may live!
Yes you are the one! You are the dirty dog that sniffs at the sin of Satan.
Repent my brother. Repent my sister … before it is too late.
At this very moment, you must accept Jesus into your life.
You must admit that you are evil. It is time for you to get down on your knees and pray.
It is only through the blood of Christ that you will be redeemed.
Glory Hallelujah! …. And Praise God!
For God is Great!
We will defeat Satan together! Yes my brothers and sisters we will win.
Praise the Lord God Jesus Almighty!
Glory Hallelujah!
And praise be to God!