TAGS: #millionaires

By finding the negative thoughts you think, that hold you back, you can safely remove them from your consciousness, and replace them with positive thoughts. I have a simple process for this. It only takes 5-10 minutes to accomplish.
Anytime you find yourself thinking a negative thought, write it down and make a list for yourself of these negative thoughts you tend to think about on a regular basis.
For instance, in the book rich dad poor dad, Robert Kiyosaki explains the big negative thought, “I can’t afford it”, where all you would need to say is, “How can I afford it”.
When you begin to ask the later question, the universe opens up to you, showing you numerous ways to raise the money needed to afford anything you could ever desire!
Establish your list of negative thoughts. Next buy a personal hand held voice recorder. Begin to state the opposites of each of your negative thoughts into this voice recorder in the form of positive self-talk.
Positive self-talk is having a conversation with your self. In this case, you’re talking to yourself in the following manner. Here’s an example below.
Listed Negative Thoughts: 1. I am never getting my work done 2. I always tend to eat more then I should 3. I never have enough money 4. I can’t seem to make the income I desire 5. Life is a challenge because of this dam government
Your Recorded Positive Self-Talk
1. “It seems that I am always getting my wok accomplished each day now.”
2. “When I eat now, I always tend to eat only what I should and limit my intake of calories so I can keep my body is excellent physical shape”.
3. “I always have enough money in fact I have to start thinking of the best ways to use my money now, as I don’t want to leave all of it laying around”.
4. “Now I am noticing that my income is far exceeding my expectations, this is great!”
5. “My life is under 100% of my own control, I know I am responsible for my life and I choose to life my life to the fullest with my new found wisdom of my mind”
Use this positive recorded self talk to eliminate your negative thinking. By listening to this daily for 5-10 minutes, in about 21 days you can kiss your negative thinking goodbye, and move into a totally positive environment, where you will have much more power to shape your life with the use of your mind.