The bible is corrupted by being altered; added to; changing the nature of God; and strengthening the wall of deceit that promotes the false gods over the Spirit of the Universe. Anyone with common sense can see and feel the power of the Spirit. The way the world works, the bringing forth of new life, the seasons, and continuation of genetic characteristics through generations are only some statements of its power.

It is definitely above man’s intelligence to decipher the facts from the fiction generated by religious books and those who have used them for power and control. The only way it can be done is by knowing the origin and spread of religions and the motivation behind the books.

That happened when the Spirit commissioned me to ‘tear down the wall of churches and bring back the young.’ The learning curve that followed led me to the very beginning of man’s progress and to the leaders who sought power and control and to become gods in their life-time. To achieve their ambitions they needed unity throughout their empires.

Alexander the Great had an idea that by producing a book that set out the things most believed in the people would be more easily controlled. He ordered his Satrap of Alexander, Ptolomy, to produce it. The latter then gathered 70 men to do the job.

“And he brought me to the door of the court; and when I looked, behold a hole in the wall… So I went in and saw: and behold every form of creeping things, and abominable beasts, and all the idols of the House (Tribes) of Israel, pourtrayed upon the wall round about. And there stood before them seventy men of the (tribes) of Israel… with every man his censer in his hand… Turn… and thou shalt see greater abominations… and behold there sat women weeping for Tammuz… between the porch and the altar, were… five and twenty men with their backs toward the temple… and their faces towards the east; and they worshipped the sun toward the east.” Ezekiel 8:7-16

The men who compiled the Septuagint were sun worshipers. They had no sense of spirituality or of serving the real God so they compiled the book on the material that was already around the empire. That included the stories from libraries, such as those of Ninevah and Mari.

The work was later translated into Greek and it is from this version that Jerome translated again. He noted in his diary and letters how he took things out and added passages to align it with his work called the New Testament. This was done after Constantine established the Catholic Church in 325 AD and the first bible of his pen was published at the end of the 4th CAD called The Vulgate.