It used to be a somewhat exclusive club … strong men and women of the LORD GOD faced with the persecution of false witness against themselves and their ministries to stop the Word of God moving forward. It was the way of the world and the way of Satan to capitalize on the slightest hint of scandal or chinks in their spiritual armor. Now the persecution comes to all Christians, leaders and babes alike, as the end time's preparations for the final days are at hand. It is important for Christians to be aware of the techniques and purposes of false witness, and prepare their souls for the volleying of unjust and wicked rumors that are certain to come.

In these times, it is in the best interest of Satan to destroy the reputation of a Christian before the Works of God are even begun. Many strong Christians have faced wicked and false accusations regarding their nature and their faith for this exact reason. Time after time I have counseled great brothers and sisters in Christ, who have had vicious lies spread about their character falsely. I have seen family, friends and congregations whisper, turn their backs, repeat the lies, stir the pot and reject the faithful servant of Christ.

I have stood with so many who have been vilified by Satan and his speakers of evil deed. I have seen the truly faithful in Christ realize the false witness and boldly stand with the persecuted. I have also seen the pretend Christians fall away quickly with pathetic arguments that "no one can know really what happened" so it's best to make no stand at all.

The first front of false witness brings the scathing lies and attacks of the wicked. This first effort sows the seeds of discord, as the bearer of false tales wanders quietly to the background. Witnesses to the lies began to water the fast growing plant, adding a little fertilizer with their exaggerated and made up memories to fit in with the growing crowd of unrighteous gossip mongers.

The second front is even more insidious, as the nature of the false witness grows to a place where the story is accepted as completely true without question. This second movement begins rolling toward the holy and righteous Christian gatherings as they suppose amongst themselves that to stand would be reckless since "where there's smoke, there's probably fire". There neglect to uphold their faithful brother or sister in Christ causes that pretend fire to spread to a roaring bonfire, as the end times church implodes from the pressure that builds.

The great news is the power of God will rescue His own, establish His Works, and cause all He chooses to know the truth. It takes only a mere second of time for the corrupted minds of the unthinking to be changed to knowledgeable, rational and thinking people once again when He Wills.

To those faithful victims who have endured the persecution from lies, it is a joyous redemption when Christian brothers and sisters know the truth and embrace the falsely accused once again. To those who continue to believe the false testimony without regard to the moving of God, it identifies the insignificant and pretend fools which are not important enough for God to take the time to enlighten with the truth.

"Blessed [are] they which are persecuted for righteousness' sake: for theirs is the kingdom of heaven. Blessed are ye, when [men] shall revile you, and persecute [you], and shall say all manner of evil against you falsely , for my sake. Rejoice, and be exceeding glad: for great [is] your reward in heaven: for so persecuted they the prophets which were before you. " ( Mt 5: 10-12 AV )

Just as the prophets of old which were persecuted before us, we must endure to the end by maintaining our fellowship together and absolutely rejecting the bearer of false tales. In the midst of it all, we must encourage our persecuted Christian brothers and sisters to rejoice and be exceeding glad, for great is their promised reward in Heaven!

© 2006 David "Bucker" Becker – All Rights Reserved Worldwide.