The Spirit of God indwelling you is power, how much of Him have you experienced? Many Christians are aware of the presence of God’s Spirit within them, but very few are beneficiaries of the power He carries. The Holy Spirit living in you is a blessing to you. This article talks about an important benefit of having the Spirit of the Lord living inside of you.

But if the Spirit of Him who raised Jesus from the dead dwells in you, He who raised Christ from the dead will also give life to your mortal bodies through His Spirit who dwells in you – Romans 8:11 (NKJV).

For indeed the gospel was preached to us as well as to them; but the word which they heard did not profit them, not being mixed with faith in those who heard it – Hebrews 4:2 (NKJV).

The word of God is very powerful and has the solution to every issue in your life. There is no part of you it cannot reach and attend to; remember that you are a product of God’s word and you are maintained by it. However, often times Christians don’t enjoy fully the blessings of the word of the Lord because we don’t mix all the words we hear with faith. For the word to profit you, you must believe in it and apply it to your life, i.e., exercising your faith in it.

The bible is full of wisdom seeds which when applied in our lives bring forth fruits that will transform us totally including our bodies. One of such seeds is in Romans 8:11. As a child of God who has received Jesus as Lord and Saviour, you have the Spirit that raised Him up living in you. The Lord said that if you have the Spirit in you, He will quicken your mortal body by the same Spirit that lives in you. This is a powerful promise of God that will greatly profit you if you understand and exercise your faith in it.

When Jesus died, the Spirit of the Lord raised Him up from the dead after three days. Praise God! This was a miracle. When someone dies, every organ in the body shuts down. For someone to come back to life, having all the organs working very well, it can only be by the finger of the creator Himself. God achieves this through His Spirit, and He says that if you have Him in you that He will quicken (Give life to) your mortal body by the same Spirit.

Now, if the Lord can raise the dead whose organs have shut down, then to quicken your organ that is just challenged and not dead, will not be an issue for God at all! Hallelujah! The creator is able to make that organ of yours to start functioning like a brand new organ by the Spirit that raised Jesus from dead if He dwells in you. The question is, “Do you believe it?” If you can receive this truth and apply your faith in it, every form of infirmity afflicting your body will disappear. You will be made totally whole, even if it tarried for a while. Your faith will enforce it.

I charge you today to meditate on this scripture till it enters your heart, apply your faith in it and watch your testimonies abound. You will live above sickness and diseases and if you can receive it, I believe aging process can be slowed down too by this truth. Come, let’s allow the word to perfect us and put the enemy on his heels. Hallelujah!