TAGS: #respect

We seem to be living through times, which are far different from we have witnessed, or heard about, in recent memory! Historically, the United States of America, regardless of internal political/ partisan disputes, always represented, to the rest of the world, the voice for fairness, human rights, and allegiance to our allies. While, political leaders, varied, in their perspectives, priorities, apparent goals, etc, they all, consistently, sought to represent this nation, with the utmost degree of honor, and, thus, America has been held, in the greatest degree of RESPECT, whether they were our ally, or foe! President Donald J. Trump, is, unique and different, in many ways, and, although, his core supporters/ political base, like that about him, the overall impact, is, weakening the clout, effectiveness, and impact, of our country, throughout the rest of the world. With that in mind, this article will attempt to, briefly, consider, examine, review, and discuss, using the mnemonic approach, why this is so essential, and why it’s an important, relevant and sustainable factor.
1. Responsible; responsive; realistic; relevant; right; rights: Shouldn’t our President, and elected officials, proceed, consistently, in a responsible, responsive manner, which makes our nation, capable of standing – up, for what’s right, instead of merely expedient? What does America, stand – for, and represent, unless we emphasize human, civil, and women’s rights? If we emphasize politics, instead of responsive, realistic actions, we will no longer, be considered, relevant, sustainable, and/ or meaningful leaders, and a voice for reason!
2. Empathy; enlightened; emphasis: Our national leaders must be ready, willing, and able to proceed, consistently, with the utmost degree of genuine empathy, so we better understand, and factor – in, how others perceive our actions, rhetoric, and promises! We must be enlightened, and leaders, and our emphasis must be, on quality, world peace, and the rights of all!
3. Strength; sustainable: What is the best way, to proceed, with real strength, which prioritizes sustainability, and true quality?
4. Priorities; planning; process: Evaluate, whether someone, respects and understands, norms, and the best, possible, process! We need to be represented, to other world leaders, by people, who have meaningful, relevant, sustainable priorities, and are willing to consider options, alternatives, and ramifications, as a core, component, in their overall planning!
5. Excellence; enduring; ethical: Until/ unless, we make ethical behavior, and being a fair- broker, a priority, we will not create an enduring, quality, needed, positive impact, on the rest of the world! We must never settle for good – enough, but must demand the utmost degree of genuine excellence!
6. Character; creative; coordinate: What does vitriol, empty rhetoric, and promises, say, about the character of our leader, and how do others, perceive this? We need a leader, who proceeds, in a creative manner, and a willingness, and ability, to coordinate the activities, which might, either create a better, or worse world!
7. Timely: Instead of, merely, procrastinating, or blaming others, or complaining, the world, will become a better place, when our leader, consistently, proceeds, with well – considered, timely action!
Most polls indicate, the United States, has lost, much of the esteem, and/ or, RESPECT, in the rest of the world, we have customarily held. Wake up, America, and demand, our President proceed, to restore this, by proceeding with actions, and rhetoric, which others believe, and respect!