TAGS: #rich people

Hi, I think it is about time that we were totally honest with ourselves regards learning all the stuff that is available to make us rich, make us happy, make us more aware how to use the Law of Attraction etc. It seems we follow the really successful gurus who have made these teachings work for them and have had meteoric success from day one. Now although this is good sales publicity, it is not what happens for 99% of the people who try to learn.
We can also get sucked into following someone who has read a book and has the flair to create adverts and sales product to entice us into there fantastic new fail proof method.
What is the missing ingredient in both these examples? In the first instance if the person has had the fortune, once they lock in to the teachings, to have never had a backward step, or fallen off the horse, how can they help you if you fall off. In the second example, if the person is teaching you purely from what they have read, where will there knowledge and experience come from to help you get back on the horse, WHEN you fall off?
It is so important to realize that knowledge comes from experience and wisdom comes from observing and applying that knowledge over a period of time.
Why do so many people fail at incorporating these teachings ?, one of the main reasons is that the people teaching them cannot identify with the person that has fallen off the horse.
Because there is no understanding of this scenario the person trying to learn gives up. It is no good telling them that they have fallen off because they did not follow the system correctly or that they did not understand the teachings.
I think that all the multimillionaire proponents of these teachings are fantastic and most of them, although money driven, do actually have the knowledge of how powerful these laws are.
One thing is for sure though, mere mortals WILL FALL OFF THE HORSE and unless the person guiding you has fallen off and got back on many times, how will they assist you to get back on.
I have made these teachings work for me and I have helped countless people over the years and I believe my main strength is understanding that you will keep hitting a brick wall and thinking that things are not working and you are doing something wrong.
Do not worry there is nothing wrong with you and these setbacks are all part of the journey. Fortunately knowing that they will occur and accepting them as part of the learning curve does help.
Every time you falter and then get back on track, will give you the strength to keep going. Each time you get started again gives you a greater understanding and each time you will not fall as far.
The purpose of this article is to let you know that you are normal if you do find these teachings difficult to learn and apply, and to make sure that you find someone to help you that has had experience in coping with the problems encountered on the journey to understanding.
Let me tell you that these teachings are really powerful, they do work but it does take time to learn and understand them.
I have rewritten the Science Of Getting Rich by Wallace Wattles in Plain English and I would like you to have a copy free of charge, because the information contained in this book can change your life.
Every word in the book I have proved to be true and if you just follow the explicit instructions to the letter, you will attain Wealth and Happiness.
Just remember, you will fall off the horse and that is what happens to normal everyday people.
Bob Proctor is one of the greatest exponents of these teachings and has been doing this for 40 years yet out of the many thousands of people he has taught only a handful have really gone on to mega success.
Take heart from this. The fact that there have been successes proves the teachings work, the fact there are so few huge successes means that it requires a bit of commitment. What Bob has produced in abundance however is loads of people that have changed their lives for the better, but have just not had that extra little bit of belief and energy to get over the hill.
So if you want to change your life and are prepared to do the things stated in SOGR you will experience an amazing transformation, be warned though you will experience times when you want to give up and it is those people that work through these barriers with faith and belief, who will make these teachings work for them in extraordinary ways.
I wish you strength and commitment and I just know you will succeed!