TAGS: #united kingdom

The United Kingdom has a special points-based 5 tier system in place to enable persons from outside the European Economic Area to come to the UK for a variety of reasons including work, study and investments. Individuals applying for a visa are classed into 5 main tiers. Being a points-based system the applicant must earn a minimum number of points to have his or her application accepted successfully. Points are awarded on different grounds where for the work visa it is done based on the age, the experience and the capability of the applicant.
The Five Tiers
- Tier 1:
This visa category has been designed for “high-value immigrants” that is those high net worth individuals who have the potential to make large investments in the UK. It covers investors, entrepreneurs and those with exceptional talent. Typically, they do not require any sponsorship. However, those who enter the country on an “exceptional talent” visa have to be endorsed by a designated competent body. The Tier 1 visas are further subcategorized as entrepreneur, investor, exceptional talent and graduate entrepreneur.
- Tier 2:
This visa category has been created to cover skilled workers. These skilled workers include non-domiciled individuals originally working with a job offer in the UK. The applicant must be sponsored by the prospective employer that is he will be required to have a Certificate of Sponsorship. This visa allows you to stay for a maximum duration of 5 years and 14 months or the time duration mentioned on the certificate adding one more month or whichever duration is shorter of the two.
- Tier 3:
This visa category is to permit the entry of low-skilled workers into the country. It involves issuing temporary work permits to fill temporary labor shortages. This category under UK’s points-based immigration tier system has been suspended as visas have been awarded under this scheme.
- Tier 4:
This visa category has been designed for students from outside the European Economic Area with a desire to study in the UK. In order to apply for this visa you should already have a place with a recognized educational institution at the time of application. Here the educational institution acts as the sponsor and must provide the student with a Confirmation of Acceptance of Studies.
There is an age criteria as well where the applicant must have completed 16 years of age. Additionally, you should be able to read, write, speak and understand the English language. Also, you should be able to pay for the course and support your stay in the United Kingdom.
- Tier 5:
The Tier 5 category caters to temporary workers those visiting the country for a short duration either for training purposes or to gain work experience. It is further divided into 6 subcategories namely creative and sporting, charity workers, religious workers, government authorized exchange, international agreement and youth mobility scheme. All those entering the country on a Tier 5 visa expect those on the youth mobility scheme will require a sponsor that is a Certificate of sponsorship.