Ever since learning how to meet and attract women, I generally found that ‘Fresh off the boat’ (FOB for short) Asian women play by slightly different rules. So over my time ‘in the game’, I found what those differences were and played them to my advantage. This guide will tell you everything you need to know about picking up FOB Asian women but mind you that it’s still just a guide. Its meaningless if you don’t take action and give it a try.

We will first break up Asian women into three categories: Chinese, Japanese and Korean. From the untrained eye, all Asian women are alike and respond to a Western mans advances in the same way. Based on my extensive experiences however, I have found that there are some nuances that make the difference in your ability to meet and attract her.

So lets take a look at the different categories.


If you meet them under ‘normal’ circumstances say at work, through friends or some other ‘normal’ medium of communicative exchange, meeting and befriending them is simple.

However if we are talking about cold approach pick up on the street or in the club then its a very different story. What you need to know about Chinese is that out of all of the Asian countries, they are the most closed off to meeting new people; especially foreigners. If you really want to meet Chinese girls in a club or at the shopping mall, your going to be playing a numbers game – no matter how good you are. Nonetheless, don’t let that stop you from trying.

Typical Chinese girls are very conservative but that differs on where they originally grew up in China. Here’s a list of different places in China from most conservative to least:

  1. General Mainland China (The further West you go the more conservative)
  2. Shanghai
  3. Hong Kong
  4. Macao
  5. Taiwan


Whilst allot of Japanese ‘on the outside’ appear to be a very meek and shy to others, they are the country that defines Asian women’s obsession with white men – not Korea or China.

Japanese women are really fascinated with Westerners and are in my experience, extremely receptive to your advances. Realize that unlike Chinese or Korean women, they won’t blow you off if they don’t like you. Sometimes it may appear that they like but you may in fact be wasting your time simply because they are too polite to say they aren’t interested.

That being said, Japanese women are still really friendly and very open to meeting new people.


Korean women are very similar to Japanese but the biggest difference is that they aren’t just going to go for you just because your a Westerner.

Notes – Please note though that just like in Western culture, every girl is different and doesn’t fit into a uniform mold.

How To Pick Them Up

If you have experience picking up girls in general, picking up Asian women is the same concept but you factor in some differences.

A Lesson on Sincerity

A big fundamental that you must apply for picking up Asian women is being sincere.

Sincerity is arguable the most important concept when it comes to successfully picking up girls but its applies 100 fold to Asian women. Sincerity is basically being 100% congruent with the way your feeling in any given moment. Don’t try and act cool, over the top or even confident – especially if your not feeling it.

This is actually just a re-hash of the whole ‘be yourself’ cliché.

Something you can do is this; when you try to pick up an Asian girl and your feeling a bit nervous, say “sorry, I’m a bit nervous; I’m not good at this” or “I know I’m a bit shy but I think I’d like to get to know you better. We should grab some coffee sometime”.

You might worry that an Asian girl doesn’t like an unconfident dweeb but an unconfident dweeb who acts 100% himself is more likely to get the girl than the braggadocios, overly macho, arrogant guy. Whenever your chick friends, mum or sister requited to you, “just be yourself”, whenever you told them your girl problems – they weren’t trying to lead you astray, it is actually solid advice.

Level With Her Shyness

Another thing to note is that Asian women are naturally more shy and introverted than Western Women.

When us Westerners roll into a club filled with other Westerners, its natural to act more alpha, more dominant and more confident because its what Western women respond to.

However doing this with Asian women is pushing it too far. Talk with her in the way you would talk with a 4 year old girl. Overall your very gentle and you do as much as you can to make her feel comfortable with you.

Be the ‘BFG’ (aka the Big Friendly Giant)

I’m not just making reference to your physical size but also your handsomeness, general level coolness and even your level of English.

I never see handsome and cool Western guys holding hands with shy little, nerdy Chinese girls, however I do see skinny and nerdy Western guys with them.

What does this tell you?

Do you have to be a shy, unconfident and nerdy to get these girls? No, just try tone down your natural confidence and realize that these girls respond differently to Western girls your used to dating. Be meek, pretend to be a bit shy and even a bit cheesy at times. However don’t be patronizing otherwise you will appear creepy.

Just try and level with her shyness as much as possible.

Cliff Notes

  1. Chinese are super conservative
  2. Japanese are very open
  3. Be sincere in your approach
  4. Be very gentle
  5. Level with her