When Rollerblade came out with in-line skates, it revolutionized the skating industry on the scale of skating rinks in the 70s. In the 90s, everyone ran out and bought the new skates and hit the streets. Many of these new skaters did not realize that in-line skating is in fact a whole body work out. Therefore, within the first year, and continuing to this day, doctors receive many cases of injuries because of this sport. Most of these injuries are caused and could be avoided by simply warming up before starting.

Understanding the Warm Up

The purpose of a warm up is to get your body ready for strenuous activity. A normal healthy workout should be made up of three distinct parts: the warm up, the activity, and the cool down. Of these three parts, the warm up serves to protect the body. By integrating a warm up to your workout, you will prevent many of the normal stresses on your body. Injuries such as shin splints, sore ankles, sprained ankles, torn and pulled muscles, and even unnecessary soreness could be resolved by a good warm up routine. The warm up should be tailored to your specific exercise. In order to protect your body from injury, incorporate this warm up before rollerblading.

The Rollerblading Warm Up

Since it is recommended you warm up before rollerblading, the best way to start is to stretch. Your warm up before rollerblading must stretch all of the major muscle groups you’ll be using. Start out by stretching out the legs. Hold all stretches for 1 minute.

* Toe touches – Put your legs together and reach down as far as you can.

* Side Stretches – Spread your legs and try to touch your toes. Repeat on each side.

* Butterfly – Put the soles of your feet together, press down your thighs with your elbows.

The next part to warm up before rollerblading is your arms. If you are rollerblading correctly, your arms should be swinging from side to side. The best arm stretches are:

* Triceps stretch – Grasp your elbow and push it up toward your head.

* Shoulder stretch – Link your fingers and raise your arms straight above your head.

* Whole arm – Link your fingers and reach out in front of you till your arms are straight.

The last part to warm up before rollerblading is your back. This is holding up your weight, and you need to pay attention to this area.

* Lower back – Place your hands on your lower back and lean as far back as you can.

* Upper back – Lean forward and reach out as far as you can.

* Mid-back – Place your hands on your hips and twist tot he left and then the right.

With these few stretches as a warm up before rollerblading, you will save yourself pain and unnecessary doctor appointments.