The wound is the place where light enters you, says Rumi.

This is a very interesting topic and I feel more and more should be written on this. Most of us have experienced dark times in our life. There are times when we feel lost and sometimes we feel there is nowhere to go.

These times leave us wounded and with deep scars sometimes for a long time. We feel the wound will heal with time, but we hardly know that we can do something to get healed faster.

We see people around and find that some people get deeper and deeper wounds again while some do not and wonder what will happen with us. But, we hardly ever come to know that there is a way to stop wondering and knowing if we are going to get hurt badly again or not.

There is a logic behind the wounds we get. The logic is very simple but only the person going through the situation can understand it because it is unique for all.

As we live and grow in this world, we acquire one or more qualities, some people like to call them virtues. As the virtues begin development, there are some tests it needs to give from time to time. The tests are not meant to literally ‘test’ the virtues, but to make them stronger and deep-rooted inside the acquirer.

As we develop more number of virtues, the tests grow harder. Now, when one passes the test it is good and the virtue is deep-rooted. But what happens when one is not able to pass it or say not show/use the virtue when required?

This is where the wound comes. When we fail to use the virtue we have acquired, in the longer or short run, we get hurt. This hurt stays in the form of fresh wound or old scar until we have learned the lesson.

If you try to understand, as long as you remember the lesson, you are not supposed to get hurt that badly again. If you forget it again, this time it might be worse.

This incident that brought a deep wound within you makes the way for divine light to enter. Some people also like to call it as a form of enlightenment. It is because of this wound, that we think about our virtues, remember lessons and develop ourselves. Also, it is because of this wound, we feel all other doors closed for us except the Divine and we surrender ourselves. This is why Rumi says, it is the wound that makes way for light to enter.