If you have acne, you definitely know how painful it can be. Not only is it painful on the outside, but for many, a zit or multiple zits can really ruin their day. For that reason, I want to talk to you about 4 different beverages that can and probably will cause you to breakout. Before I list these 4 different beverages, let me tell you a little about my acne story.

I have been dealing with acne for the past 6 years of my life. Now that I am 21-years-old, I finally have my breakouts under control. Now, my skin is not perfect. I will get a tiny pimple every now and then, but this does not prevent me from leaving my house, or anything crazy like that. With that being said, I used to have pretty bad acne. In fact, I would sit in my house for weeks on end, playing video games, just to hide myself from the world. Now that I have finally cleared up my problem, I can go out and do the things that I enjoy doing. If you would like to get your life back together, the following tips will definitely help you out. Now that you know a little about my story, let's talk about the 4 beverages that will probably cause you to breakout.

1. Soda – Although it's said that sodas will not cause you to breakout, I beg to differ. I'm not sure why, but it may have to do something with the way soda causes the body to become dehydrated. If you did not know, dehydration can cause acne. Caffeine may also contribute to breakouts, which leads me to the next beverage.

2. Coffee – Whenever I drink regular caffeine coffee, I tend to breakout. Remember, my skin is 99.9% clear, 99.9% of the time, so anytime I breakout, I can pretty much point out what caused the problem. I'm not a big coffee drinker, so when I add it to my diet, and I breakout, I'm pretty much sure that this caused me to.

3. Alcohol – Like soda, alcohol can be very dehydrating. I'm not big on drinking, but when I do, I tend to notice a few pimples within a 48-hour time-period.

4. Energy Drinks – Finally, energy drinks seem to do the most damage. They're extremely dehydrating, contain high amounts of caffeine, and high amounts of sugar, usually. I'm not a big energy drink consumer, but when I do drink them, I tend to notice that a few pimples will sprout up.

When it comes down to it, removing the above 4 beverages from your diet will likely change your complexion for the better. In fact, I had a friend in high school who drank an energy drink everyday. He also had severe acne. Once he stopped drinking energy drinks, his acne went away, completely.

With this final note, you should also know that drinking water can actually help clear up your acne. If you drink 8+ glasses of water a day, you may notice a significant difference in your complexion. I absolutely recommend giving this a try.