TAGS: #cbd
When my son got a thrush infection, I did not relate it to my own infection of systemic candidiasis. Candida albicans is the yeast organism which causes yeast infections, and when an infection strikes, all you can think about is getting it to stop! The itching alone can drive you crazy–and nothing seems worse than having an infection sneak up on you when you can’t get to the doctor for a prescription. I was tired of over-the-counter products that don’t seem to help fast enough?
What Causes a Yeast Infection?
Yeast infections result from an overgrowth of yeast in the body. It begins in the intestines, where the candida organism exists normally in small amounts, but it can frequently spread elsewhere in the body, creating what is known as “systemic candidiasis” or “candida syndrome.”
When we’re healthy, candida yeast is kept in check with a normal balance of intestinal flora–but hormonal changes, high acid levels, stress, and especially long-term antibiotic or steroid use can disrupt that balance and cause an overgrowth, which becomes an infection.
Left unchecked, yeast can change to its fungal form and multiply rapidly, sprouting roots that perforate the gut walls and carry the overgrowth to the rest of the body. This produces what is known as “leaky gut” and allows toxins to enter the bloodstream, overloading the immune system.
Have you been to the doctor repeatedly for one or more of these only to be told “there’s nothing wrong with you”
* Abdominal pain
* Brain fog
* Constant fatigue
* Bloating or indigestion
* Joint pain
* Itchy, red eyes
* Chronic sinus drainage
* Fungus on finger or toenails
* Craving for sweets and carbs
* Recurrent urinary tract infections
* White coating on the tongue
* Unexplained weight loss or gain
* Hair loss or vision problems
* Depression — feeling overwhelmed
Overgrowth of yeast can manifest symptoms that resemble other ailments, and can be tough to diagnose. If any of these symptoms persist, you may have an overgrowth of candida albicans.
Can Children Get Yeast Infections?
Yes, children can also suffer from an overgrowth of yeast, with symptoms such as:
* Thrush (whitish coating on tongue or inside cheeks)
* Hyperactivity
* Irritability
* Learning problems
* Chronic cough or nasal congestion
* Recurrent ear problems
* Craving sweets
A healthy diet can help
Even if you”re taking medication to control a yeast infection, one of your first lines of defense against candida overgrowth is a healthy change in diet to keep from feeding the yeast organisms:
Some things to avoid:
* Refined sugar, honey & syrups
* Sodas (even diet)
* Fresh or dried fruit
* Canned, processed, or fermented foods
* White flour products
* Rye, wheat, oat or barley grain
* Alcohol (especially beer)
* Any product made with yeast or mold
* Antacids
Things to include:
* Live yogurt cultures
* 6-8 glasses of water daily
* Fresh vegetables
* Proteins (chicken, beef, eggs, fish)
* Whey protein
* Acidophilus
* Raw garlic
* Nuts, seeds and oils
* Millet, rice, rice bran and oat bran