Two men, after a car crash, are side by side in a hospital ward. The first man’s children pray fervently for their father’s recovery, while the second man’s kids silently wish for their father’s demise. After a few days, both men do not disappoint their families, and so, there is jubilation at their different homes. Without a shadow of a doubt, love and hate are two emotions that can profoundly affect or even control our lives. This is how.

A lot of families live in the worst state of disharmony: the father may verbally abuse the son, and the son may reciprocate with resentment of the father. Resentment may grow to hate- which could gradually begin to rub off on other members of the family, until it reaches a point where one can feel the negativity in the atmosphere.

Michael Jackson turned out rather well, but like the example of the two accident victims shows, hate is a powerful emotion because it has the power to translate to reality. Sadly, I know this by personal experience.

We are only starting to understand the vast power of the mind and as such, even the points I will raise here may be inconclusive. Never-the-less, the following paragraphs will be useful.

Every thought is a projection. That means just wishing a person good luck goes a long way in getting the person some good luck. Hence, it is an action. Let us call it a psychic action. When amplified by emotion, that projection has its potency increased a hundred fold.

Sadly, this principle is not restricted to the positive aspect. That means that when a negative emotion like anger amplifies a negative wish (for instance from a son towards his father) the outcome is almost certain.

This negative energy has a way of piling up (or being stored) in the psychic environment. That means that when people hate and curse each other over a period of time, it doesn’t just end with that. This animosity hangs in the air (like dark clouds) until it saturates and precipitates (like rain). The only trouble is; this rain doesn’t bring new life and beauty, it brings death and destruction.

The Solution?

The only way out is to replace hate with love. Sounds difficult right? Well, that’s because it is. Thankfully, with some motivation, it is very possible. As Madonna sang in her popular song: ‘you waste your time with hate and regret. You’re broken when your heart’s not open.’ Those are perhaps the greatest words to ever be put in a song.

So be motivated. Know that those negative emotions are building up in the air, waiting to wreck havoc. So, will you let it be that way? Will you allow carnage; death and destruction to grow in your home? Will you continue to waste the short time you have on earth with meaningless emotions as hate and regret? Not me!

Embrace love. Let go of all hurt and pain. Forget about vengeance or paying back any wrong doing. Even if the other person continues to sink in the mud of hate and negativity, do not let yourself be concerned.

Show yourself to be an enlightened being by overcoming hate with love. Darkness can never drive out darkness; only light can. When you do this you find yourself filled with joy. If I could do this, then so can you.