TAGS: #coffee shop

If you are scratching your head about what type of coffee to order when you are at your local coffee shop, then here is an easy breakdown of the three most popular types of Java to get you through the day.
o Espresso: This is an obvious choice, but espresso is a black coffee that is brewed to be stronger than regular drip brewed coffee. This is an Italian style of coffee that works by pushing steam through darkly roasted coffee beans. These coffee beans are often called an espresso roast, which is a darker roast. These fresh coffee beans will be ground into a fine grind, and that will be placed into the portafilter of an espresso machine. From this point, hot water will be pushed through this coffee at a high pressure, which will extract a full and robust flavor. Espresso brewing has gotten much easier over the years, especially with the many automated machines available. However, it is important to keep in mind that brewing the perfect espresso is still an art form, and it is important for a 1 ounce espresso brew to take around 25 seconds. The espresso should be brewed through the machine in a slow flow, and when you have finished, it will have a hazelnut colored crema on top of the brew. The way to test if this crema is the perfect quality is if sugar will float on top of your espresso for a few seconds before dissolving. Espresso is a wonderful choice for home brewing or coffee shop selections.
o Cappuccino: This is a variation of an espresso drink that uses frothed milk. This is a coffee drink that is pale brown in color, and it was named after the brown robes worn by Capuchin monks. To drink a traditional cappuccino, it will be served in espresso mug, and it will be made of one third espresso and two thirds foam. To foam your milk correctly, it is important to steam your milk in a metal pitcher. It is always necessary to start out with cold milk, and to keep the steam wand below the surface of the milk to prevent bubbles.
o Turkish Coffee: This is another popular type of strong coffee, and it is made from Arabica coffee beans, which are the more premium variety. Turkish coffee will be the finest ground coffee choice, and the beans should be ground even finer than espresso so that they almost resemble a powder. For an authentic brew, you can add cardamom to the coffee beans after they have been ground. You can also boil these seeds with the coffee itself so that they float on top when you serve the brew. Turkish coffee can be served from very sweet to very strong in six different levels. It is also not necessary to serve this brew with a spoon since sugar is brewed with the coffee. When the coffee starts to brew, it will foam, which is the sign of a delicious and perfect Turkish coffee brew!