As I made my way through traffic one afternoon, I noticed a particular bumper sticker on another driver’s vehicle. What made it stand out to me was the word Jesus in very big lettering. The bumper sticker was red with the words “Tougher than Hell” printed on it. This phrase caught my eye and made me think. At first I was a little flabbergasted that this slang term was associated with the name of our lord, Jesus Christ; but then I considered the context of the phrase. As opposed to other uses such as “crazy as h-l” this phrase had a much different meaning.

So I begin to ponder some more about the significance of this originally disturbing message. As the words began to take on a different meaning, I realized how the creator of this bumper sticker message was right. Today’s society has a tendency to throw around and misuse words like hell, it can be hard for it to be much more than profanity. However, this particular phrase gives it a whole new meaning and shows the word put to good use. It takes a word that is often used to degrade something, make a precise point, and in the end changes hell to something more than just slang. It is made into a true and definitive statement about the power of our savior, Jesus Christ.

Revelations states that Satan did not have the strength to prevail and because of this lost his place in Heaven. Satan resides in Hell and therefore Hell is not stronger than the Lord. In the genesis section of the bible, another reference is made stating that Jesus will assail Satan’s head while Satan assails the heel of Christ. This reference pertains to the time of our savior’s crucifixion. Jesus fought Satan and Hell to prevail and rise once again. He saved our souls by defeating Satan and taking all of our sins upon himself. During this process, his victory and strength became ours as well. His sacrifices allowed us all to have the reward of a spot in heaven with God.

After thinking about all Jesus Christ went through to wash us of our sins so we could all have another chance to walk beside God, the phrase takes on a whole new meaning. Jesus really is tougher than Hell and he proved it by fighting the ultimate battle with Hell itself to emerge victorious for all of his followers. Since he is our source of strength, we are indeed as strong as him. In essence, if we know our lord and believe we will have the same strength as he did during a most crucial time. We are also “Tougher than Hell!” if we know are savior and believe in his teachings.

When we realize our inner strength through the power of Our Savior, we can accomplish anything. As a following Christian, your strength has no bounds and this is the true meaning of the phrase “Jesus – Tougher than Hell!” Leo Wells discusses the importance of strength and the Lord’s power in his teachings. You can learn more by visiting