If you are planning for a holiday trip that would be memorable and at the same time would not burn a hole in your pocket then tour Thailand. Although, it is not among the best tourist locations, it certainly is nothing less than a paradise for those who love to mix themselves into new culture and new experiences. Thailand is a place that provides you with a lot of activities and relaxation as well. You will find a lot of ethnic culture, food, customs, traditions, places and people that will take you into a new world that you would have never heard about.

Today, Thailand earns around six percent of its national GDP through tourism and as per the travel experts; Thailand will soon become one of the most preferred locations in the Southeast Asia because people do not have to spend out more on their tour. The ferries and bus transport in Thailand is comparatively cheaper and therefore international tourists are willing to move from one part of the country to another without any problems. As per the survey in 2009, more than 14 million international visitors had visited Thailand which is a growth of 7 percent from the earlier years and it is expected that the number of visitors to Thailand will grow in 2010 as well.

If you are planning to tour Thailand make sure that you find a good hotel over there which fits your budget rather than going for expensive accommodation. Since Thailand has more natural resources, the real pleasure is when you enjoy your stay in natural environment like on beaches and places around beaches. However, if you love to visit Thailand when it is not crowded than make sure you visit Thailand in the month of January to May because during these months you will find that there are not many tourists around and the weather too is warm so you can make the most of out the weather.

Thailand has a lot of attractions apart from natural landscapes. If you are in Thailand make sure that you visit places like Phanom Rung, Buddhist temples and other World Heritage sites. If you love to participate and watch the culture of Thailand than do watch some of the favorite festivals in Thailand like Songkran, Rocket Festival and Phi Ta Kon festival. These festivals mostly happen in the month of March to May because the climate is pleasant and warm. You can even try the delicious Thai cuisine when you are roaming different places in Thailand.