Twitter is the micro blogging and social networking site that has become a preferable medium for the people to express their views or Tweets about any current happening around them or to simply speak out their heart.

Short & simple

The one of its kind social networking site keeps the things as laconic as possible and allows you to express your message within the limited 140 characters. This very feature separates it from the other social networking sites and adds to its internationally acclaimed fame and favoritism.

How to Tweet?

Twitter allows your views to be read by your followers and also keeps yourself abreast of the latest Tweets from those whom you follow. To speak out to the world, you can browse through, operated by Twitter inc. Alternatively, you can also Tweet through the compatible Twitter applications after installing them in your smart phones (Blackberry, Nokia, or others) or through the SMS (Short message Service).

Twitter's role in Social Media Optimization

Whether you are from business or corporate world or from any other walk of life, this site could well bring your business on the global arena, provided that you utilize its capabilities appropriately. In order to promote your website, product or services, you always try to reach out to a bulk of credible audience. With Twitter, you are bang on your target and would be able to drive fully loaded traffic to your site with expected better revenues.

Bond between Twitter & Celebrities

There are hundreds of social networking sites over internet, but Twitter bets to differ. The creme de la creme of international arena including hot n happening celebrities from film & entertainment world, sports, politics, media and other circuits have been Tweeting their opinions with millions of Twitter users following them from all the corners of the world.

Who's Tweeting out?

Be it SRK, Amir Khan Sania Mirza, Shashi Tharoor, Sachin Tendulkar, or our very own Amitabh Bachchan from the list of local bigwigs or Ashton Kutcher and Demi Moore, Britney spears or Barak Obama himself from the international arena, all have something to say on Twitter.

Lets Tweet

Come on! Now that's more than enough, what else do you want? Just create a Twitter account if you don't have one already and get into my footsteps. Happy Tweeting!