While, Americans have the right, to vote, I often, feel, it’s a shame, it’s not, also, an obligation, to do so, responsibly, and in a well – considered manner! For example, in the 2016 Presidential elections (and, historically, the largest voter turnout is for the vote, for President), less than half, the eligible voters, exercised this right. Because of this, a well – coordinated, motivated minority, can elect someone, regardless of, whether, he is best – suited, for the position! Nearly every study, survey, and poll, seems to indicate, President Donald Trump, rarely garners, more than about 45%, favorable ratings (the range has been from mid – 30’s, to mid – 40’s), and his core supporters (political base), is roughly 35%. Although, recent polls indicate, he is viewed, favorably, by nearly 90% of those, identifying as Republicans, this must be understood, in the context, of, also realizing, far fewer people, today, consider themselves, Republicans, than prior to the last national election. How often, have you heard, someone, state, they don’t vote, because, either, their vote doesn’t count, and/ or, they don’t like any candidate (for example, saying, They’re all the same). With that in mind, this article will attempt to, briefly, consider, examine, review, and discuss, why the results of elections, have ramifications.

1. Environment/ climate change: Perhaps, more than any other issue, environmental planning, requires consistent, regular, well – considered, planning. The present administration denies climate change, has sought to remove the United States, from the Paris Accords, and reversed many clean air, and clean water, regulations. The ramifications of this, potentially, may be dire, for the health, and well – being, of future generations, because, the lack of foresight, and safe actions, today, will affect the world, for decades!

2. Women’s rights: President Trump has, often, appealed to his base, by articulating. a, so – called, Anti – Choice, agenda. It is not, as if, abortions did not occur, prior to the historic, Roe v Wade, decision, but, only, that, safe ones, were often, rare, etc! There has been an attempt to minimize, certain aspects of concepts, such as Equal Rights, and pay consistency.

3. World safety/ international relations: Mr. Trump’s negotiating style, is far different from previous American leaders, and, while, he articulates a strong policy, it appears, the impact, is often, considerably different! Most surveys indicate, this nation has lost, much of its respect, from other nations, and, abandoning previous pacts and agreements, creates a scenario, where we become less trusted, and/ or, respected!

4. Economics/ deficits/ priorities: In the past two years, we have witnessed trade wars, tariffs, an America – First, focus, a tax reform (which, although, was described, as a middle – class, tax cut, primarily, benefited, the wealthiest), etc. A historic expansion of America’s debt, will eventually, have to be paid, by future generations!

5. Immigration/ The Wall: The equating of a proposed, thousands of miles, of wall, along our Southern Border, to, border security, and safety, appears to be, both, inaccurate, and, a less than stellar, image! Everyone agrees, border security, and safety, are needed, and essential, but, prioritizing building a wall, which most believe, is ineffective and expensive, may not be, in the overall, best interests of our nation, from a relevant and sustainable, standpoint!

Never again, excuse your apathy, by saying, all politicians are the same! While, few may be ideal (after all, they are people), there are significant differences, and our decisions/ elections, have ramifications!