TAGS: #starbucks

It’s not that often that someone can get in on a new company, buy exactly the right stock, and perhaps foresee the future of a great new company rising. Wouldn’t it be great if you would have bought original shares of Microsoft, Starbucks, Apple, Google, or some other major Fortune 500 company? You know, in the very beginning before the company stock doubled and split, doubled and split again, and then tripled and split, and then four more times did the same.
Interestingly enough, I know people who have bought shares in one of all of those companies in the very beginning, now they are all millionaires, if they had held on long enough, perhaps that’s how they got rich. Of course, you could also invest in a startup company that went bust, went bankrupt, or just ran out of cash flow and disbanded itself. Not long ago, I was having a conversation about this at the local Starbucks, and I ended up in an ad hoc brainstorming session with the gentleman. We were trying to consider what new industries in the future that we should be targeting to get in on the ground floor.
We talked about new carbon nanotube and Graphene materials, we talked a little bit about various alternative energy strategies, we talked about flying cars, we discussed Rare Earth Elements (REEs) and mining, and we even talked about private space travel. Now then, let’s say you wanted to get in on a new private space venture, one that you thought had a decent future, and was on the leading edge of private space technologies. Which one would you choose?
Remember, even though the industry may do incredibly well, there will be winners and losers in the free market. You could have easily invested in Silicon Valley dotcom stocks and lost all your money, or you might have invested in the correct ones, and retired a multimillionaire. Here are a few of the names of some of the up-and-coming private industry space companies;
Space X
Virgin Galactic
US Aerospace Inc
Space Adventures
Bigelow Aerospace
Armadillo Aerospace
Whittinghill Aerospace
Masten Space Systems
Space Exploration Technologies
Now then, rather than trying to choose which one of these will be the grand winner of the game, and which ones won’t be around in 10 years, wouldn’t it be nice to have an ETF which diversified the risk? One fund so to speak, or some way to track this industry into the future, and make money investing in it – yes, that makes sense doesn’t it?
If you think that this industry is in going places, and space is a place, then I suggest you read a very interesting article which was in the Wall Street Journal on August 17, 2001 titled; “Private Space Taxis Race to the Launchpad,” by Andy Pasztor. You see, NASA has already awarded contracts to private space companies to take people back and forth to the international space station. As they become better adapted, these entrepreneurs will take people to move colonies, space hotels, and offer trips in orbit.
What we need is a good ETF to invest in and Americans will capitalize our private space flight future, and they will enjoy investing in that future in hopes of a good return. Indeed I hope you will please consider all this and think on it.