TAGS: #cafe

Café au lait spots are actually pigmented birthmarks. The name comes from the light brown color of the spots that resembles the color of the French coffee with milk drink that they are named for. There are a number of conditions that may have as their symptoms the tell tale spots on the skin. However, they are usually not connected with any real medical problem. It is the size and number of the spots that generally points to a serious medical condition. A doctor should check all birthmarks to be sure they are not caused by a medical condition.
If you have these café au lait spots but do not have the medical condition that can sometimes accompany them, you are probably wondering what you can do to fade their appearance. There are skin lightening products available on the market that may be of some use for your café au lait spots on your skin. This is especially beneficial if the light brown birthmarks appear on the face. For a person who has been dealing with a café au lait spot on the face throughout their life the possibility of permanently fading the birthmark can seem like the answer to their prayers.
Do a quick look on the Internet to see the available skin lightening products that you can try. You can also ask your dermatologists advice when you are choosing a product. There are so many to choose from that it is easy to become confused on which one would work best for your particular situation. Don’t be afraid to ask around. Ask the manufacturer if their product would be effective on café au lait spots on your skin. They should be able to answer your questions. Find out what kind of ingredients are in the product before you begin using it. You don’t want to find out later that you had a reaction to one of the ingredients. You can also find out if there is a success rate with the fading of café au lait spots with their product.
Café au lait spots can be dealt with effectively with makeup. It is possible to minimize their appearance with the use of a good foundation and cover up makeup. But it is even better if you can fade the birthmark with a good skin lightening cream. No longer will you have to worry if your birthmark is showing or if your makeup has faded.
Dealing with a birthmark that is on your face can cause trauma throughout a person’s life. During the difficult puberty phase when most young people are dealing with acne and its effect on their appearance, the person with a facial birthmark has two problems to contend with. No matter how difficult acne can be most teenagers know that it will eventually go away. This is not true for a birthmark. It will stay with you for life. If you can fade that birthmark with the use of a skin lightening product it will do a great deal of good for the self-esteem. So if you have café au lait spots on your skin, give a skin lightening product a try and see if it can help you.