Joomla components are core elements that work with the functionality of the software program. Components can be any addition that is developed to work with the program. This software is an open-faced content management system and because of this, developers can create different components that will work with the core elements of the program.

Components can be anything – polls, modules, banners, news, feeds and the like. The entire Joomla community can usually download the components for free from different sites; however, depending upon the developer, some components could cost you. There is a wide variety of components available today for this software. If you need it, it is out there somewhere.

Virtuemart is a Google based component that lets you upload in bulk with the XML format to the Google Base. The free version of the component (by the way, there is only one release of this component) is limited.

Mobile Entertainment is another component of the software. Again, there has been only one release of the component. The component will automatically update the content itself so there will be no more downloading and updating with this component. It allows you to display ringtones, wallpapers, java games and true tones.

Jambook is a guestbook component that is available for this software system. It offers a wide variety of features such as email cloaking, spam protection and the like. Mamblog is a blog component that allows you to let the users develop their own page or blog; they don’t have to be an editor because the component allows them to add new pages to their blog.

This is just a few examples of the many possibilities available. There are probably a hundred components out there, maybe more. You can find a component for pretty much anything that you want to do. Whether it is blogging or flash slide show galleries, there are components available. Components are essentially add-ons to the pre-existing Joomla software. With the many components that are already on the market, there is an unlimited potential in how many can be developed.

Any developer can use the core features to develop an add-on component to enhance the already superior performance that has made Joomla increasingly more popular than any of the other content management systems available today. Because of the flexibility that this program offers, the popularity of this CMS continues to grow on a daily basis. It looks like this sfotware will be around for a while, so getting support for the software program and the components should prove to be no problem at all in the future.

The Joomla component options are endless. We see components that are already available and with the increasing demand for more, new components could be developed on a daily basis. So, keep your eyes open for that certain component that you desire, because eventually there will be a developer who will create it. If you can’t find it, ask developers; they can probably create it.