Twitter, a tool for short message communication, allows the users to send out tweets or messages (140 characters in length) to your followers. Generally the tweets can consist of a link to videos, photographs, or any web content (like PDF documents, website pages, blog posts, etc). Since pictures are worth thousands of words, you can add images to your tweets.

Just like people follow your account, you can also follow back. This helps you to reply, read, or share their tweets. Twitter is considered as a unique microblogging tool in social media because it can distribute short, disconnected messages. Twitter can be used to fulfill your online marketing needs. It can be considered as an efficient tool for promoting your business.

Present Your Brand and Product

Your Twitter experience depends on your profile and account on Twitter. They provide you with the perfect opportunity to convey your business story. Your Twitter presence should be identical with the other online tools. It will assist people to identify your business. The images and the account name that you choose for Twitter should be consistent with your brand and your online presence.

Creating a Strong Foundation is Essential

The Twitter account profile should be completed carefully. The features you provide about the business can play a part in revealing your business story. You should consider the following 3 features in the account settings more seriously:

· Website – A web address that can be easily shared with your community. You may provide them your blog or website, but you must utilise a proper Twitter landing page. Thus, you can provide valuable information to the Twitter users who are exploring your business.

· Location – You should tell the users how they can connect with you. People visiting your profile can be from another state, country, or city. Therefore, provide them with adequate information so that they can locate you.

· Bio – You only have 160 characters to convey to people about yourself and the services or merchandise you provide. You can highlight the benefits you offer.

Start following People

You must be selective about the choice of person to follow. You can start following people that are included in these categories:

· The peers or competitors

· The customers

· The vendors, contractors, suppliers, and business partners

· Professional organizations and trade organizations for the industry

· The businesses that are run by your professional network

· The businesses in your locality

Talk Smarter

On Twitter, you should talk about things that are relevant to your target market and that which can promote your business. You can focus on how the services and products benefit your customer. The strength of your Twitter following will be determined by the quality of information that you share. Therefore, your Twitter communication plan should be designed to attract potential customers.

You can Drive Traffic to Blogs and Website

If you’re considering about driving traffic to blogs and websites, then you can use Twitter. You can create the tweet which consists of a link and then write messages which induce people to click.