Why are happiness and peace not possible on this earth? Why do international strife, wars, unbearable physical and mental abuse, crime, deceit, betrayal, divorce, suffering, and all other evil things continue to happen without let-up? Why would a good god arrange things this way? Who is Jesus’ true father? Is he the known god, Jehovah or is there a deity on a higher level of spirit above Jehovah? We know that Judaism and Christianity agree that Jehovah is the highest god; but how, then, do the following statements of Jesus fit in with that determination?

John 8: 19: “You know neither me nor my father. If you knew me, you would also know my father.” Jesus said this to the Pharisees, priests and lawyers while visiting the temple. The temple was dedicated to the known god Jehovah / Yahweh. These are the religious officials who are utmost in the know that Jehovah is god, yet Jesus claims that they do not know his father. I want to corroborate this fact with Jesus’ statement in a prayer / conversation he had with his father in John 17. In this prayer only truth is conveyed. Father and Son do not lie to each other.

John 17: 25: “Righteous father! The world does not know you, but I know you …” Moreover I want to fit this in with Jesus’ statement in John 17 verse 3. “And eternal life means to know you (not just believe), the only true god, and to know Jesus (Christ) whom you sent.” The mere addition of the word ‘true’ holds in that there is an imposter god around. The implication of this verse is that we must meet this true father in order to have eternal life. We know that Jehovah does not accord us status of eternal life; so we must be dealing with another, as yet, unknown god. How can we meet a god who never reveals himself? Does that make sense? (Quotes are from the Good News Bible) It appears that Jesus is professing through the combined verses above that he came under a burden of two contradictory assignments, one forced on him by Jehovah as Christ so he could be allowed into the physical universe at all; and another by his true father, as a double agent to retrieve souls from the place I call “the realm based on the outworking of spiritual deceit believed” or more commonly known as the physical universe.

To “know” someone means one must actually have met the person. To know god we must have met him, at least, once in the past to have knowledge of him presently. No one, not even any Christian now living or who has ever lived, can claim to actually have met him or Jehovah. Are the faithful Christians and religious organizations understanding and preaching Jesus’ true mission correctly? If you know some person ‘in spirit’ completely would you have any doubt about that entity now? I say, no! Moses claimed, and is known to have met Jehovah-that is why Jehovah is a god known in the world. Cain was another person who met Jehovah, but only to receive condemnation. Jehovah keeps himself well hidden from us so he cannot be truly known or loved, while the unknown father of Jesus is hidden by the shroud of deceit laid over the awareness of those who believed his deceitful propaganda.

We, as souls, used to know Jesus as god in paradise and the ultimate god to be his father. It seems that our human souls are lying in a coma in paradise unaware of the paradisiacal environment, dreaming a Serpent-induced communal virtual existence, called physical reality. Was Jesus serving two gods; and if so, which god should we acknowledge as the god that Jesus truly serves — the deceiver or the one who wants to redeem us from the state of spiritual deceit believed? Jesus was obviously sent by two different authorities. We know from the Old Testament that Jehovah sent Jesus as his Christ; but Jesus makes it clear in his above statements that the true and only god and father of the ‘spirit in Jesus’ (called by Jesus “Good” Matthew: 19: 17) is not known by the Judaic authorities or anyone else, then and today–and thus also not by the Christian communities, then and today. (I call the ‘spirit in Jesus’ as ambassador of truth “Anti-Christ”, with a capital A).

However, this newly understood type of Anti-Christ was sent to take our souls away from Jehovah’s sphere of influence to a higher and pure level of spirit, in contradistinction to the known anti-Christ who is the servant of Satan-supposedly Jehovah’s and humanity’s adversary, to lead us souls into a realm of increased spiritual deceit. The Serpent, Jehovah, Brahman, Allah, etc, truly disguises himself as an angel of light but who, instead, spreads utter spiritual darkness. There can be no entity more clever, cunning and predatory than him or, maybe, her. Without the aid of the spirit in Jesus no souls can hope to escape the Serpent’s trap.

The following in the Bible from Matthew 7, verses 21 through 23 confirms that what I write here is correct. Jesus says here, “Not everyone who calls me ‘Lord, Lord’ will enter the kingdom of heaven, but only those who do what my father in heaven wants them to do. When the Judgment Day comes, many will say to me, ‘Lord, Lord! In your name we spoke God’s message, by your name we drove out many demons and performed many miracles!’ Then I will say to them, ‘I never knew you. Get away from me, you wicked people.” Are they not priests, ministers, preachers and many lay people in the Christian churches who preach, speak, cast out demons, perform miracles in Jesus’ name and praise and honor the deceiving Serpent? Does this not confirm Jesus’ statement that human authorities are blind guides that lead the blind so that all will fall into the ditch? I am saying: repent, see the truth of it all and admit the true Jesus, his true message and his true father into your heart. Share this article with everyone you know; it is of world-shaking, even worse, of soul-shaking importance. Do not all Christians call Jesus Lord? All of Christendom will be turned away on judgment day.