Many studies have claimed, we are currently experiencing, perhaps, the highest level of anger, distrust, polarization, and a, us versus them, mindset, in recent memory. What does America represent, and stand for, if it doesn’t align with the core principles, of liberty and justice, for all? This nation has always been a Melting Pot, where one’s race, ethnicity, gender, or religion, isn’t supposed to count, nearly as much as the level and character of one’s spirit and behavior. The late, great, George Carlin, summed this up, immediately after the atrocities of September 11, 2001, with his, Then, the terrorists win, routine, which, basically, proclaimed, if we abandon our focus and emphasis in protecting and defending all our freedoms and liberties, for all, whether we agree or not, then, the terrorists will have defeated us, because they would have accomplished their main intent, which was to disrupt and alter, our system of freedom, liberty, and justice, for all. When Donald Trump, was a candidate, during 2015, and 2016, he seemed to recognize that he could inspire a core set of supporters and followers, by appealing to their anger, hatred, prejudice, and what they perceived as their self – interest. With that in mind, this article will attempt to briefly consider, examine, discuss, and review, some of the ramifications, and how, this behavior, might permanently threaten the American, way of life.

1. Immigration: Mr. Trump believed, if he could make immigration, a hot – point, and get, those who believed, they were being abandoned, by this nation, if/ when he complained and blamed immigrants, for much of what certain individuals believe, has gone too far! It’s interesting, because, with the exception of Native Americans, we are a nation of immigrants. Many organizations have recognized this, and use banners, saying, My ancestors were refugees, also, in order to express their solidarity with emphasizing human rights, and our nation’s place, in the world, in the area of human rights, etc.

2. Liberty, and justice, for all: In the last two years, there has been, a huge spike, in the number, and severity of hate crimes. For example, anti-Semitism and associated hate crimes, is up 37%. Isn’t it interesting, the so – called Patriots, want their rights, but to determine, who might not be worthy? We cannot pick – and – choose, and selectively defend our Bill of Rights, etc.

3. Employment: It took workers decades, and generations to achieve certain rights, privileges, and protections, but we have been witnessing, a power – shift, towards the wealthiest, often, at the expense of those, not as well off!

We must protect all the rights and freedoms, for everyone, whether we agree, or not! Isn’t that what truly, makes America great?