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It looks like everywhere a man looks, there is some pill, cream, or magic spell that will grant him a healthy, stronger, firmer, bigger, longer-lasting penis. However, a discerning man knows that it takes careful investigation to separate the real deal from the elixirs that do not do anything in the pants but line the proprietor's pockets. With that in mind, here are 10 things a man should look for, dare say demand, in a penis health cream. These items are all necessary ingredients to find in a cream that will ensure a strong, healthy penis.
1) An all-natural, moisturizing base . The basis for a good penis health cream needs to start in the base. It needs to be especially gentle on delicate penile skin and free of irritants and unnatural products that can cause allergic reactions and skin inflammation. One such base is shea butter, a velvety-rich cream derived from the shea tree. It nourishes skin with essential fatty acids and nutrients that promote collagen production. It also feels luxurious when applied.
2) Vitamin A. One of the common problems men have is bacteria attraction! The groin is a warm, moist area that bacteria love to crawl into, which can lead to painful (and kind of gross) infections. Vitamin A is an anti-bacterial, so penis health creams that contain this vitamin will do double-duty, not only offering anti-aging benefits, but also keeping pesky things like jock itch away!
3) Vitamin B5. Although all B vitamins are wonderful, B5 is an extra-special vitamin when it comes to getting a healthy penis. It stabilizes the skin barrier, which lessens the amount of water lost through the skin. It also promotes skin softness and elasticity and reduces redness and itchiness. Interestingly enough, vitamin B5 is also used to treat skin reactions from radiation therapy, so it must be a super vitamin!
4) Vitamin C. There's a reason so many skin care products have it! Vitamin C is a critical element in collagen production. This gives the skin its tone and elasticity. It's also been shown to improve blood flow, leading to stronger erections.
5) Vitamin D3. Everyone knows that vitamin D is critical for not only good mood but also for optimal cellular function. What does that mean? It is a key part of regulating cell growth and cell-to-cell communication. New studies are also showing that it can slow cancer progress. In addition to all those benefits, it also has a positive effect on the immune system to keep infection at bay.
6) Vitamin E. Vitamin E is a well-known moisturizer that locks in moisture and creates a protective layer for delicate genital skin. It's also an antioxidant and can reduce the appearance of scars.
7) L-Carnitine. This amino acid helps protect against healthy pen villains such as friction, compression, and peripheral nerve damage that can, down the line, reduce penile sensitivity and make it harder to achieve and maintain an erection-not to mention, no man really wants a pins -and-needles feeling in his member.
8) L-Arginine. Who brings the noise? L-arginine brings it! When it comes to firmer, more powerful erections, this amino acid delivers. L-arginine is a vasodilator, meaning it helps dilate the blood vessels, encouraging increased blood flow to a man's johnson, resulting in a stronger erection.
9) Alpha-Lipoic Acid . A commanding antioxidant, ALA is a naturally occurring compound that destroys free radicals. Free radicals can cause cellular damage, which leads to signs of aging and clinical breakdown. To fight premature aging and diminishing of the penile skin, ALA should be a part of every penis health cream.
10) Recommendation from Industry Insiders. It's hard to separate the wheat from the chaff when there are tons of ads for penis health creams. A man could have a difficult time going the right cream for a healthy penis. That's why it's important to use only creams recommended by the people who know.
When it comes to a specially formulated penis health cream, there is really only one that literally puts the proof in the pudding. Using these guidelines, choosing a penal health creme (health professionals recommend Man 1 Man Oil, which has been clinically proven safe and mild for skin) is an easy task. A healthy penis demands the best cream with all the essential ingredients, one that is also irritant-free and natural. After all, why would a man's best friend deserve anything less?