Learn how do the wealthy get wealthy and you will be able to join them. As William Ernest Henley said: “ you are the master of your fate, you are the captain of your soul.”

Don’t base your decisions on fear and ignorance. Separate yourself from the masses and acquire the mindset that will lead you to a life of choice and freedom beyond your wildest dreams. I want to share some basic principles that will turn you into a moneymaking machine…

First, rich people always move their money

The poor and middle class focus their efforts on saving for the future. The upper class concentrates on earning money.

Most people prefer not to take important financial decisions hoping to avoid risk. Sometimes when you think you are taking the safe path you are increasing your risk. Unless your capital is moving, you are actually losing buying power. In other words, if you are saving you are losing money.

Instead, you should focus on finding alternatives that will help you increase your net worth. You can achieve this through investments, using your cash to create more cash, or learning how to build businesses.

Rich people know that wealth is a team effort

The poor and middle class believe that building wealth is a solitaire effort. Wealthy individuals know how to leverage from other people’s resources. You can’t build an empire all by yourself. Think about it, maybe you could manage a small boat all by yourself, but if you want to be the captain of a big cruise ship you need a crew.

Your skills, time, and knowledge are limited resources. You can only work a certain number of hours per day, you can’t be an expert in every area, and you shouldn’t waste your time acquiring special skills when you can outsource.

Focus on your strengths and use other people’s talents to overcome your weaknesses.

Rich people use their minds to build their fortunes

The poor and middle class think that hard work is the only way to make money. Rich people build their fortunes using their minds. They design plans and businesses that allow them to achieve a lot with the minimum amount of effort. If you want to join the elite you need to learn how to optimize your resources, this includes the most precious resource of all: your time.

Of course, you need to understand a lot more of principles to gain the financial freedom that you seek. These are only a few ideas to get you started.

How do the wealthy get wealthy? They know the ins and outs of money management, and they also know how to build passive income vehicles.