If you you want to know where to learn Spanish in Colombia, especially, in Medellín, Colombia, this article will provide you with a review of two different learning-Spanish programs in in Medellín, Colombia. I will begin with my top pick.

My top pick for learning Spanish in Medellín, Colombia is at the Black Sheep hostel. The instructor there is named Yadi. Yadi is short for Yadira. Yadi is Paisa (person from Medellín). As they would say in Medellín, she is “más Paisa que una arepa.” That is, she is more Paisa than an “arepa” (bread made of corn that is popular in Colombia and Venezuela).

Yadi is great at teaching both neutral Latin American Spanish as well as the Spanish that is typical of Medellín, Colombia. In fact, I have already recommended Yadi’s services to one Learning Spanish Like Crazy customer who was visiting Medellín. After his stay in Medellín, he emailed me to say that he was very happy with her method of teaching.

Yadi’s “novio” (boyfriend) Kelvin, is from New Zealand and is the owner and manager of the Black Sheep hostel. You can Goolge “black sheep Medellín” for more info. And just tell Yadi or Kelvin that Patrick sent you.

My second pick for where to learn Spanish in Colombia is at EAFIT, one of the universities here in Medellín, Colombia. They have an excellent language learning program with native speakers teaching classes such as Spanish, English, Italian, French, Portuguese and German. The advantage of learning at EAFIT is that you will have the chance to make friends with lots of Colombians in order to practice your the language.

And if you are too “tímido” (shy) to make friends on your own, at EAFIT they also have a buddy program and will match you up with one or more Colombian students learning English so that you can help each other.

As part of your tuition (depending on your level of Spanish), they also allow you take 1 regular class at the university with Colombian students (e.g. history, psychology). And you will be tested, graded and assigned assignments just like the Colombian students in the same class. Obviously, this is not something I’d recommend for a beginner student.